September 8: Traditions, Festivities, and Pitfalls to Steer Clear Of on This Special Occasion

Migratory birds fly low – wait for the cold weather


Today it is forbidden to eat meat dishes

September 8 marks the Day of Oil, Gas and Refinery Industry Workers, World Crane Day, International Journalists’ Solidarity Day, World Physiotherapy Day and Physiotherapist Day. Believers celebrate the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Day of workers of the oil, gas and oil refining industry

Every year falls on the second Sunday of September. This professional holiday was established in 1993 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 302/9312. This day is dedicated to workers who work in the oil, gas and oil refining industries, recognizing their contribution to the development of the economy and energy independence of the country. Traditionally, solemn events, awarding of the best employees and other festive events are held on this day.

World Cystic Fibrosis Day

The day is dedicated to raising awareness of cystic fibrosis, its symptoms, treatments and ongoing research aimed at finding a cure. Cystic fibrosis is a rare genetic disease that affects the lungs, pancreas and other organs. It is caused by mutations in the CFTR gene, which leads to the formation of thick and sticky mucus that blocks the airways and other ducts. This can cause serious infections, inflammation and other complications.

World Crane Day

World Crane Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September in different countries of the world. The purpose of the holiday is to draw the attention of the world community to the problems and difficulties that befall these graceful birds. According to statistical data, these birds are on the verge of extinction. Therefore, we must sound the alarm and do everything possible to preserve the population of cranes on our planet.

For the first time, World Crane Day was celebrated in the United States of America back in 2002. Environmental scientists did everything possible and impossible to save one of the species of the American crane, which was in danger of extinction. They put his eggs in the nests of other birds nesting in cozy and safe places.

The date when the brood of whooping cranes was saved became a significant environmental holiday. Today, the very image of a crane adorns the symbols of all environmental organizations around the world.

International Day of Solidarity of Journalists

This holiday was founded in 1958 at the IV Congress of the International Organization of Journalists, the oldest and largest international journalistic association. The date was not chosen by chance: it was on September 8, 1943 that the Czechoslovak journalist Julius Fuczyk, who became a symbol of the struggle for freedom of speech, was executed in Berlin.

World Physiotherapy Day and Physiotherapist Day

This holiday was started in 1996 by the International Confederation of Physiotherapy during the congress in Copenhagen. The main goal of this day is to raise awareness about the importance of physiotherapy and the role of physiotherapists in maintaining people’s health and quality of life. Each year, a certain theme is chosen, which becomes central to events and campaigns. 2024 focuses on low back pain and the role of physical therapy in its treatment and prevention.

What a religious holiday today

September 8 in the church calendar is the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. Also known as the Second Purity or Oseniny, is a Christian holiday dedicated to the birth of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. According to tradition, Mary was born in Nazareth to pious parents Joachim and Anna, who prayed for a child for a long time.

Her birth became a great blessing for all mankind, because through her Jesus Christ came into the world. This feast is one of the twelfth feasts and is of great importance for Christians, emphasizing the role of Mary as a great righteous and intercessor of people. On this day, believers pray, attend services and observe various traditions associated with this holiday.

Read also: Church calendar for September 2024: when we celebrate the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos

What can not be done on this day

  • You should not swear, quarrel, insult others.
  • Do not hold grudges against others.
  • It is forbidden to eat meat dishes.

Folk signs

  • Migratory birds fly low – wait for the cold weather;
  • a lot of cobwebs on the trees – the weather will be warm;
  • frost on the grass in the morning – to bad weather;
  • red sunset or dawn – there will be windy and rainy weather;
  • the more husks on the onion, the harsher the winter will be.

Commemorative events of September 8

  • 1296 – a solemn ceremony of laying the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary with a Flower) takes place in Florence;
  • 1504 – a 5-meter statue of David by Michelangelo Buonarroti is installed in Signoria Square in Florence;
  • 1522 – the first round-the-world voyage, started under the leadership of Fernand Magellan, was completed;
  • 1529 – Ottoman troops take Buda (Hungarian kingdom);
  • 1664 – New Holland, a Dutch colony in North America (the modern states of New York, New Jersey and Delaware), completely comes under the control of the English;
  • 1760 – Vaudreuil, the last French Governor-General of Canada, surrenders Montreal to the British;
  • 1791 – artists exhibit their paintings for the first time in the Paris Louvre;
  • 1796 – Napoleon defeats the Austrians in the battle near Bassano (Lombardy);
  • 1886 – Johannesburg, currently the largest city in South Africa, is founded;
  • 1888 – the first match of the English Football League takes place;
  • 1951 – in San Francisco, representatives of 48 countries sign a peace treaty with Japan at the end of the Second World War;
  • 1952 – the first book edition of Ernest Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea” is published;
  • 1989 – the People’s Movement of Ukraine for Perestroika was founded in Kyiv;
  • 1993 – the World Organization of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Cities is created.

Name day

Angel’s Day is celebrated today: Ivan, George, Mary.

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The Fascinating World of Cranes: Celebrating‍ World​ Crane ⁢Day

As⁣ the second Sunday ⁤of September approaches, ​people ‌from around the‍ world come together to celebrate World Crane Day, a ⁢significant environmental holiday dedicated ⁤to raising awareness about ‍the plight of these majestic birds. But did ⁤you know that there’s more to ​cranes than just one special day?‍ Let’s delve into the fascinating⁢ world of cranes ‍and explore the various⁢ celebrations and importance surrounding these incredible creatures.

World Crane Day: A Call to ‌Action

World Crane Day, celebrated on the second Sunday of September [[3]], is an ⁣initiative to draw attention to the declining population⁣ of cranes worldwide. These elegant birds are on the verge of extinction,‌ and it’s imperative that we take action to⁤ preserve their habitat and prevent their disappearance. The day‍ was first celebrated in the United ⁤States in​ 2002, when environmental scientists worked tirelessly to save the American crane from extinction. Today, the image of a crane adorns the symbols of ⁣environmental organizations globally, serving⁤ as a powerful reminder of the importance of conservation.

Crane Day:​ A Swedish Tradition

But World Crane Day isn’t the only celebration dedicated to cranes. In Sweden, Crane Day (Trandagen)⁣ is observed on March 25th in certain regions, ‌including‌ Öland and neighboring areas [[2]]. This traditional holiday holds significant cultural value, making ​it a‌ cherished event in the Swedish calendar.

Cranes of the World Celebration: A Fun-Filled Event

In Baraboo, Wisconsin, the annual Cranes of the World ⁤Celebration takes place on a Saturday in August [[1]]. This‌ festive event is designed to educate ‌and entertain ⁣people of all ages, raising awareness about crane​ conservation while providing a fun-filled experience for the whole family.

The‌ Majesty​ of Cranes

Cranes have long fascinated humans with their ​graceful movements, ‍majestic appearance, and intriguing behaviors. These birds are found ⁣in diverse habitats across the globe, from‍ wetlands to grasslands, and play a vital role in maintaining ecosystem balance. However, their populations⁤ are dwindling due to habitat destruction, pollution, and hunting.

Conservation Efforts

The decline of crane populations is a pressing concern, and conservation efforts are underway to protect ⁣these magnificent creatures. Organizations worldwide are working tirelessly to preserve crane habitats, prevent⁢ hunting and poaching, and​ raise ⁢awareness about the importance of crane conservation.


As we celebrate World Crane Day,⁢ let’s take ‌a moment to appreciate the beauty and importance of these incredible birds. From the Swedish tradition of⁣ Crane Day to the​ annual Cranes of the World Celebration ⁢in Wisconsin, there⁣ are⁢ numerous ways to ​get involved and make a difference. By working‍ together, we⁢ can ensure the survival of⁢ cranes for generations to come.⁤ So, let’s spread our ‍wings and take action – the ‌future of these‌ majestic creatures depends on ‌it!



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