🚀 How to clean space from debris in orbit?

2024-04-27 04:00:16

The increase in space traffic, particularly due to the arrival of new private actors and the democratization of space technologies, results in an exponential increase in the number of objects in orbit. This situation will pose serious security problems if it is not quickly taken into account.

The main danger lies in collisions between satellites and space debris. They occur at very high speeds (between 7 and 16 km/s) and the collision A single object can generate a multitude of additional debris, creating a domino effect and making the problem worse. This process is called Kessler syndrome, named following the scientist American NASA having first alerted to this problem in 1978.

Currently, we can only observe objects in orbit larger than 10 cm from the ground. There are approximately 35,000 objects larger than this size in orbit, of which 9,000 are active satellites with 5,200 Starlink satellites and 600 OneWeb satellites. The number of space debris larger than 1 mm is estimated at around 128 million. The risk of collision is particularly high in certain areas, such as low Earth orbit, where most satellites are concentrated.

Preventative measures: deorbiting satellites

France has established itself as one of the pioneers in the fight once morest the proliferation of space debris. Indeed, from 2008, the law relating to space operations laid the foundations for a proactive approach, requiring French operators to respect a certain number of rules to limit their environmental impact.

Launched in February, the ADRAS-J satellite’s mission is to collect information on a rocket stage to be deorbited.

To prevent the creation of new debris, it is, for example, essential to deorbit satellites at the end of their life. This operation, complex and expensive, requires reserving part of the satellite’s energy to propel it into the Earth’s atmosphere so that it disintegrates thanks to air friction.

Many satellites launched in the early years of the space age have unfortunately not been de-orbited and today constitute “swords of Damocles” in orbit, increasing the risk of collisions and constituting a reserve of small, untraceable debris in the event of of fragmentation.

How to capture and remove space debris?

Start-ups and companies, particularly in France, are working on technological building blocks to get closer to this debris, to synchronize their path with that of the vehicle coming to pick them up, catch them and finally deorbit them. The operation is complex and expensive.

Today there are some projects toactive debris removal (ADR) in progress. We can cite the project ClearSpace-1 of the’European Space Agency (ESA) which aims to deorbit in 2026 a piece of the 112 kg stage of the Vega launcher. The Japanese company Astroscale has also been developing ADR activities since 2013, with a number of in-orbit demonstrations already carried out.

On the mission ADRAS-J, launched on February 18, aims to get closer to a third stage of Japanese H-2A launchers put into orbit in 2009, and to synchronize with this stage to validate the final rapprochement phase. Astroscale has recently set up an office in France to develop part of its activities also in France. The start-up Bordeaux Dark is also positioned on the interception of debris with innovative solutions.

The activity is booming, but needs an anchor commercial in order to really be able to “take off”. Today, only States finance this theme. It is therefore not yet profitable from an economic point of view to collect debris. To resolve this dilemma, we should be able to give value to debris by promoting their recycling and reuse.

We might also try to estimate the economic cost of a collision and the large quantity of debris generated which will disrupt space operations. This shortfall sets off by inaction must be weighed once morest the cost of the cleaning intervention. But it is very difficult today to estimate and construct these economic models.

To remedy this problem, the idea of ​​a troubleshooting, towing and repair service for satellites in orbit, and capable of capturing space debris, is being considered. This system would be based around multifunctional spacecraft. In addition to repairing broken satellites, these craft would capture debris at the end of their repair missions, returning it to Earth’s atmosphere to disintegrate. This economic model has the advantage of generating income, thanks to the repair service and the potential valorization of materials recovered from debris.

Create an economic model that builds on current regulations

Regulation can help this economic model. The strict rule requiring that all objects placed in orbit must be deorbited at the end of their life with a probability of 100% actually requires having “systems” that would come and pick up broken down vehicles. The analogy with roadside assistance packages is not far off.

It would then become cheaper to pay for a recovery service to come and recover a broken down vehicle rather than having the recovery capacity yourself. This can promote a virtuous economy which cleans objects recently put into orbit, but also recovers objects from historic missions which bother us today.

Necessary international cooperation

However, challenges remain. The technological development of capture and deorbit space debris is still in progress. In addition, an international legal framework is necessary to define the responsibilities and obligations of the actors involved. France calls for concerted international action to face this global challenge. Collaboration between nations is essential to develop effective technological and legal solutions and ensure the security of space for future generations.

In conclusion, the establishment of an economic model for space depollution is a crucial issue to guarantee the security and sustainability of space exploration. Although there are challenges ahead, international collaboration and technological innovation can help overcome them and ensure a sustainable future for space.

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