???? CÓRDOBA ELECTIONS 2023 | The voting advances and the first official data on participation are expected

2023-06-25 17:09:50

Electoral Super Sunday in Córdoba. This June 25, the elections for governor and vice are held in the province of Córdoba. In addition, in 229 cities, towns and communes, they elect their authorities on the same day. In all cases, voting is done with a Single Ballot, except in cities that will be with electronic suffrage.

In Córdoba, 3,050,212 voters are qualified, out of a total of 9,060 tables in 1,487 schools. The electoral ban is in effect until Sunday at 9:00 p.m., when the first data on the election will begin to be released.

Here you can check the register.

This is our special channel for Córdoba elections.


Sunday, June 25, 2023 2:00 PM

Waiting for official data

After noon, when most of the candidates had already cast their votes, it remained to know partial approximations regarding the percentage of the register that cast their vote.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 1:32 PM

AgAgustín Spacessi voted: We can elect the leadership we deserve

The candidate for governor for La Libertad Avanza, Agustín Spaccesi, voted this Sunday at the Republic of Italy School, in the Urca neighborhood, accompanied by his family, on a quiet and sunny election day.

“Come to the polls, participate that today we can choose the Córdoba and the leadership that we deserve,” he said.

Liliana Olivero voted: We made a campaign

The candidate for governor for the Left-Unity Front, Liliana Olivero, voted this Sunday and assured: “We campaigned.”

He stated that “they hope to have the best results to continue building more of the left.”

General Paz neighborhood. Olivero voted in a parochial school (Courtesy).

Sunday, June 25, 2023 12:21 PM

“There were no more claims than the usual ones”

Ernesto Torres, secretary of the Electoral Tribunal of Córdoba, assured this Sunday that despite the delays that some polling stations registered during the first hours of voting, so far no more claims than usual have been received.

“Everything is developing normally,” he said.

“We do not have reports of tables that are not operating. We have not had more claims than usual, ”he told Cadena 3.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 12:10 PM

García Elorrio voted: We must all participate with enthusiasm

The candidate for governor for Córdoba Neighborhood Meeting, Aurelio García Elorrio cast his vote this Sunday and asked the people of Cordoba to go to the polls.

“We must all participate enthusiastically. It is a vote of hope for the province of Córdoba ”, he said in a video that he posted on his social networks.

Aurelio García Elorrio, candidate for governor for Encuentro Vecinal Córdoba (video capture).

Sunday, June 25, 2023 11:58 AM

De Loredo: In 30 days you have to vote once more, it’s a mess for the people

“It was a campaign with few resources but putting the body,” said the candidate for mayor of Together for Change Rodrigo de Loredo when casting his vote.

He took the opportunity to reiterate his complaint regarding the split election in Córdoba.

“They have armed an electoral swarm. This is a maze. Within 30 days we have to vote once more. It is a mess for the people. We would have preferred that they vote together, it would have been more practical for the Cordovan, ”she closed.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 11:55 AM

Llaryora voted: I will wait for the result together with Schiaretti

The mayor of Córdoba and candidate for governor Martín Llaryora cast his vote this Sunday and stressed: “Although the country is going backwards, Córdoba is going forward.”

Llaryora, before casting her vote (Courtesy Letter P).

Sunday, June 25, 2023 11:23 PM

Carasso voted: Today will be a great day for the people of Cordoba

In candidate for lieutenant governor of Córdoba for Together for Change, Marcos Carasso, cast his vote this Sunday and stressed: “Today is going to be a great day for the people of Cordoba.”

“40 years following the return to democracy, and accompanied by my family, I cast my vote to elect the next governor of Córdoba,” he wrote on his Twitter account.

Carasso, al emitir su voto (Twitter).

Sunday, June 25, 2023 10:47 AM

Voted Luis Judge: The time has come

The candidate for governor of Juntos por el Cambio, Luis Juez, voted this Sunday in Córdoba and stressed: “It has been a titanic campaign.”

“The time has come for maturity, wisdom and construction,” he highlighted and thanked Rodrigo De Loredo’s company.

“He has been fundamental in building a solid alliance,” he said.

Judge, when voting. (Press by Luis Judge)

Meanwhile, the Juntos por el Cambio candidate shared his excitement over the vote of his daughter Milagros, who suffers from cerebral palsy, on his networks.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 10:25 PM

Single ballot: more agile vote but with some difficulties

Despite the fact that it is the fourth election in Córdoba where the single ballot has been used, certain difficulties were observed in some voters who admitted not knowing how to use it and not having asked regarding its operation beforehand.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 10:21 AM

Juan Schiaretti voted

The governor of Córdoba Juan Schiaretti voted this Sunday at 10 at the Domingo Savio Institute.

True to tradition, the provincial president wore a red jacket.

“I leave the next governor a province that respects the institutions and the freedom of the press, where there is no crack, there is a crack and where we respect the private and public sectors,” he told reporters.

Juan Schiaretti, when casting his vote (Twitter).

Sunday, June 25, 2023 9:59 AM

Laura Vilches voted: It is easy to decide the vote

The candidate for mayor of Córdoba for the Left-Unity Front, Laura Vilches, voted this Sunday and stressed: “When you are always on the same side it is easy to decide the vote.”

“I already chose, companions,” he closed.

Laura Vilches (Twitter) voted.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 9:53 AM

Delays in some schools in Córdoba

Despite the fact that the elections are taking place normally in a large part of the province, some schools presented delays in the early hours of Sunday.

In the capital, the Corazón de María Adoratrices school was one of those that had problems starting election day.

Neighbors told La Voz that the institution only opened its doors at 9:30 a.m., when it was expected that the votes might be cast from 8 a.m.

It is estimated that with the passing of the hours the situation in this and the rest of the schools affected by delays will return to normal.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 9:45 AM

Voted Calvo: People are going to turn massively to the polls

Lieutenant Governor Manuel Calvo cast his vote in the city of Las Varillas and highlighted: “This is the fourth time we have voted with the single ballot, a transparent system that allows us to elect the future governor.”

He said that he will return to Córdoba to lead the campaign of Together We Do for Córdoba.

“People are going to turn massively to vote on this day,” he closed.

Manuel Calvo, when voting this Sunday (Manuel Calvo Press).

Sunday, June 25, 2023 9:29 AM

Mario Negri voted

The national deputy of Together for Change Mario Negri cast his vote this Sunday at the Juan Zorrilla school in Córdoba Capital and referred to his decision not to integrate any of the coalition lists, in the province and in the municipality.

“I decided not to participate. It might have made it on either of the two lists. I was invited to participate in both and in important places”, she indicated.

And he closed: “I do not retire from politics. It is part of my life and my convictions”.

Mario Negri, when voting this Sunday (Twitter).

Sunday, June 25, 2023 9:12 AM

Myriam Prunotto voted

The candidate for lieutenant governor for Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba Myriam Prunotto voted this Sunday at a school in the Juárez Celman station. She stressed that the elections began normally and announced that she expects to wait for the results in Córdoba Capital together with Martín Llaryora.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 9:00 AM

Córdoba: who are the candidates for governor

One by one, these are the applicants for the provincial elections.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 8:57 AM

Elections in Formosa

This Sunday there is also a vote in the province of Formosa, where Governor Gildo Insfrán seeks to access his eighth term.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 8:52 AM

How is the weather to go vote in Córdoba

Election day this Sunday started sunny and a maximum of 20 degrees is expected. Check the extended forecast.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 8:00 AM

Voting started in Córdoba

The elections began at 8 a.m. throughout the province, with normality in most of the polling stations and with some delays in the opening of schools or in polling stations where the authorities were late or absent.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 7:36 AM

Where do I vote: which school corresponds to you according to your ID

The Provincial Electoral Tribunal made available to the voters of Córdoba the system for online consultation of the final voter register for the elections for governor and vice president. WhatsApp service of the Municipality of Córdoba.

The consultation can be carried out in this official link of the Electoral Register.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 7:36 AM

What ID can you vote with?

From the Electoral Jurisdiction of the Province of Córdoba they disseminated a decree signed by the electoral judge Marta Elena Vidal in which it establishes which are the authorized DNI.

Voting documents

Sunday, June 25, 2023 7:16 AM

Elections in Córdoba 2023: is there free intercity transport on Sunday?

The Government announced what the modality of transfer will be like for those people who have to vote between different locations.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 7:10 AM

Elections Córdoba: what happens if I don’t vote

What happens if you don’t vote and how to justify it. The clarification of the Electoral Justice on the collection of the fine. Everything you need to know if you are not going to vote.

#CÓRDOBA #ELECTIONS #voting #advances #official #data #participation #expected



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