???? Blue dollar today: how much is it trading for this Wednesday, April 27

The blue dollar It is trading this Wednesday, April 27, with a drop of $4.50 and it is trading at $205 for purchase now. $208 for sale In Buenos Aires city. In the previous day, it increased $7 and reached the highest value since the end of February.

A) Yes, the gap with the wholesaler, which trades at $115.01, is located at 80,85%.

I also read: The blue dollar rose almost $10 in two days and the gap with the official one returned to 85%: the reasons

With this drop, the bullish trend that started following the adjustment to FIU controls regarding the operation of financial dollarthat also increased in the last few days. The upward momentum had originated in the previous weekin which the blue accumulated a rise of eight pesos and it was ratified in the last two days when it added another $10. In this way, it operates in the values ​​prior to the signing of the agreement with the IMF.

April had started with the contrary impulsethe parallel bill had already dropped $5 in the first two weeks of the month, to touch the $195a minimum value for the last six months.

The Maximum price so far this year for the blue dollar it was seen to end of januarywhen to briefly traded above $223. The price had begun to decompress following the announcement of the understanding with the IMF.

The price of the blue dollar in the last 30 days

Throughout marchthe blue dollar dropped $11 and erased the profits that it had been registering in 2022 and traded below the $208 at which it had closed last year.

In January it was up $5 or 2.4% over the month, while in February it was up $2 end-to-end.

The price of the blue dollar in 2021

Throughout 2021, it added $42 or 25.3%, well below inflation for the same period, which accumulated 50.9%.

The blue dollar deflated during the first quarter of 2021: it started the year at $165, but at the beginning of April it touched the floor of $139.

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On June 24, it broke the ceiling of $170 once more. At the end of July, he went through another: the $180. Except for brief intervals, the rest of the year remained above these levels.

In August, the blue price remained relatively calm and moved between $178 and $183. In the days before the legislative PASO elections on September 12, the price climbed once more and reached $186.50. It remained around that value until the first weeks of October.

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Towards the end of October, the blue dollar returned to touch its maximum nominal value, of $195, and days before the November elections it marked $207. During the first weeks of December, the price spiked to $195.50. However, it picked up momentum over the end of the year, when it briefly traded at $210, to close 2021 at $208.



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