???? Vinland – Definition and Explanations

2023-07-02 08:36:50


Originally controversial map with left end showing Vinland.

Vinland is the name given by the Icelandic sailor Leif Ericson to the territory he first explored around (Autour is the name that the avian nomenclature in French (updated) gives…) from the year 1000. Excavations have made it possible to find traces (TRACES (TRAde Control and Expert System) is a veterinary health network of…) of the presence of the Vikings at L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland (Newfoundland, in Micmac: Ktaqamk) is a large island off the coast of…), Canada. We continue to debate whether this is Vinland (Vinland is the name given by the Icelandic sailor Leif Ericson to the territory he …) of Ericson, whose specialists have located the various possible locations on an area geographic range from Labrador to Florida… The Vikings did not originally perceive the exploration and colonization of Greenland (Greenland (pronounced /gʁɔɛn.lɑ̃d/, spelled Greenland in…) and Vinland as different from the foundation and colonization of Iceland. For them, it was only a question of extending their territory (The notion of territory has taken on increasing importance in geography and in particular in…). Native Americans, very different from the monks of Ireland, so that the notion of the new world was imposed on them (The New World is a term designating the American continent as well as Oceania,…).


L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland

Vinland is first mentioned by the German geographer and historian Adam of Bremen in his book Descriptio insularum Aquilonis, written around 1075. To write it, he rendered (Rendering is a computer process calculating the 2D image (equivalent of a photograph)…) visit to King Sven II of Denmark who had knowledge of the Nordic lands. The main source of information regarding Viking voyages in Vinland comes from two Icelandic sagas, the Saga of Erik the Red and the Saga of the Greenlanders written approximately two and a half centuries following the settlement of Greenland. The combination (A combination may be:) of these two sagas seems to show that there were a few separate attempts at Norwegian colonization of Vinland, including by Þorfinnr Karlsefni, neither of which lasted for more than two years. There are probably several causes for the departure of the small Viking colony. Written sources mention disagreements among the men over the few women on the expedition as well as conflicts with the indigenous (Amerindian) populations to whom the sagas lend the name of Skrælings.

The story goes that following the settlement of Greenland by the Vikings, a trader named Bjarni Herjólfsson, on his way from Greenland to Iceland, accidentally discovered the east coast of America in 985 or 986 following being hijacked by a storm (A storm is a violent meteorological phenomenon at sea…). He then told his story and sold his ships to Leif Ericson who in turn left for these regions. As it was the end of summer, he left for Greenland, which he managed to reach before winter, but gave up landing in Vinland, not wanting to pass (The genus Passer was created by the French zoologist Mathurin Jacques…) winter in this new earth (Earth is the third planet of the Solar System in order of distance…), which he then described as covered with forests. The wood supply in Greenland being very limited, the settlers were attracted by the richness of this new land. A few years later, Leif Ericson explored this coast and established a short-lived colony there on a part he called Vinland.

The first discovery made by Leif was, according to the stories, Helluland (“land of the flat stone”), probably Baffin Island. Then Markland (“woodland”), probably Labrador, was discovered (there is evidence of a reduction or lessening of the tree line in the north (North is a cardinal point, opposite south.) of Labrador around the year 1000) and finally, Vinland (generally translated as “land of wine (of cranberries)”, but interpreted by others as “land of pasture”), probably Newfoundland, unless it is Quebec, Acadia or New England (The region of New England (in English New England) is located northeast of …) current. The expedition included families and livestock in sight (Sight is the sense that allows to observe and analyze the environment by receiving and…) to start a new colonization. The northern colony received the name of Straumfjörðr and that of the South (South is a cardinal point, opposite to north.) of Hóp. Only two Viking leaders actually wintered in Vinland, the second being Thorvald Ericsson, Leif’s brother, who was killed in the second summer. The idea of ​​colonization was nevertheless quickly abandoned due to conflicts with the Skrælings (perhaps Beothuks or Dorsets). There seems to have been talk of new logging expeditions as late as the 1300s.

Until the 19th century, the idea of ​​a Viking colonization of North America was considered by historians as belonging to folklore, until the elaboration in 1837 of a first serious hypothesis by the historian of the Danish literature and archaeologist Carl Christian Rafn in his work Antiquitates Americanæ where he concluded, following an in-depth study of the sagas, as well as the possible places of colonization of the North American coast, that Vinland was a real place in America (L America is a continent separated, to the west, from Asia and…) from the North which had been colonized by Norwegians.

#Vinland #Definition #Explanations



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