???? Mico manicorensis – Definition and Explanations

2023-10-07 16:38:07


Ouistiti du Rio Manicoré Classification Kingdom Animalia Branch Chordata Sub-embr. Vertebrata Class Mammalia Subclass Theria Infraclass Eutheria Order Primates Suborder Haplorrhini Infraorder Simiiformes Microorder Platyrrhini Family Cebidae MSW & NCBI
Callitrichidae ITIS & UICN Sub-family Callitrichinae MSW & NCBI Genus Callithrix MSW & NCBI
Mico ITIS & IUCN Subgenus Callithrix (Mico) MSW Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.), the binomial name, or binomial, comes from…) Mico manicorensis
(Roosmalen et al., 2000) Synonyms Callithrix manicorensis Callithrix (Mico) manicorensis IUCN conservation status :

LC: Minor concern

The Rio Manicoré Marmoset (Mico manicorensis) is a species (In the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”…) of primate (Primates (from the Latin primas, atis meaning “the one who occupies the first…) of the family Callitrichidae.

Other names

Rio Manicoré marmoset. Sagüi, sauím, branquinho (“little white guy”, in Portuguese) in Brazil.


Rainfed forest.


North (North is a cardinal point, opposite to south.) of Brazil, south (South is a cardinal point, opposite to north.) of the Amazon. Present to the north as far as Rio Madeira, to the west as far as Rio Manicoré, to the east as far as the lower Rio Aripuanã, to the south to an unknown limit (around 7°S) from which we should meet Mr. Marcai.


Shoulders and neck (The neck is the region of the body which is located between the head and the rest of the body…) white (White is the color of a body heated to around 5,000°C (see…) pale grayish. Back (In anatomy, in vertebrate animals including humans, the back is the part…) and rump grayish white and transversely speckled with darker gray (which gives the appearance of a stripe). Outer fur of the hind legs orange, that of the arms ochraceous to orange. Underside of the body bright orange except the white throat and chest. Feet and hands orange. Tail black, slightly speckled with orange and gray at its tip. Head with crown triangular pale gray. Skin (The skin is an organ composed of several layers of tissue. It plays, among other things, the…) facial and orange cheeks, with dark brown pigmentation around (Around is the name that the avian nomenclature in French (updated) gives…) eyes and on the chin. Nose (The nose (from Latin nasus) is in humans the median projection of the face located above…) and around of the mouth (The mouth (also called oral cavity or oral cavity) is the opening through…) bare and pinkish. Ears bare and surrounded by white fur. Enlarged testicles enclosed in a white scrotum. It is part of the subgroup of M. nigriceps, M. marcai and M. aff. emiliae, but these have a black crown.

Sympathy and association

In the north of its distribution, it is sympatric with the dwarf marmoset (Callibella humilis).


Quadruped (The classification of quadruped concerns all species of animals that walk…).


Body 23 cm. Tail 38 cm. Weight (Weight is the force of gravity, of gravitational and inertial origin, exerted by the…) 340 g. Arm/leg length ratio (x100): 78.



Basic behaviors

Diurnal. Arboreal.


Insufficiently documented.

#Mico #manicorensis #Definition #Explanations

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