???? Didelphidae – Definition and Explanations

2023-09-04 04:33:30


Didelphidae Classification Kingdom Animalia Branch Chordata Sub-embr. Vertebrata Class Mammalia Subclass Theria Infraclass Metatheria Superorder Marsupialia Order Didelphimorphia Family Didelphidae
Gray, 1821

The didelphidae family (Didelphidae) includes animals named in French Opossum or sarigue, mammals which are the only marsupials in America (America is a continent separated, to the west, from Asia and… ). The largest is the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), which tends to be distributed throughout the United States. The distribution area of ​​didelphids extends from the south (South is a cardinal point, opposite to north.) of Canada to the north (North is a cardinal point, opposite to south.) of Argentina. Most opossums are arboreal; the prehensile feet are provided with strong nails. The opossum has nocturnal habits; it is a predator (A predator is a living organism that kills prey to feed on it or to…) of reptiles, birds and small mammals. The females give birth following 8 to 14 days (The day or the day is the interval which separates the rising from the setting of the Sun; it is the…) of gestation; the baby then lives for over a hundred days in the marsupium, its mother’s ventral pouch.

Nomenclature and etymology

Opossum is an Algonquin Wapathemwa word.

Originally the name sarigue designated the set (In set theory, a set intuitively designates a collection…) of didelphids, that of opossum being reserved for the species (In the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”…) Didelphis marsupialis.

Opossum or possum? English speakers use the word possum, colloquial abbreviation of opossum, to designate the Virginia opossum as well as other species of marsupials on the continent (The word continent comes from the Latin continere for “to hold together”, or continens…) American belonging to the order Didelphidae or Paucituberculata. By extension, the Australians and New Zealanders also designate by this abbreviation the marsupials of the order of the Phalangeriformes of Oceania (Oceania is a vast region comprising territories located in the ocean…). In French the use (Usage is the action of using something.) of the word “possum” is an Anglicism due to an abuse of translation of the name of animals called possum in English but opossum, phalanger (Le genus Phalanger consists of marsupials of the family Phalangeridae.), couscous, etc. by French speakers.


It seems that the famous cliché of the sarigue carrying its young rolled up on its tail concerns only the group of philanders.


They are divided into two subfamilies: the Caluromyinae and the Didelphinae (The didelphinae constitute a subfamily of opossums.).

Subfamilies according to ITIS

subfamily Caluromyinae Kirsch, 1977 subfamily Didelphinae Gray, 1821

Subfamilies according to MSW

Monodelphis domestica

sous-famille Caluromyinae Caluromys Caluromysiops Glironia sous-famille Didelphinae Chironectes Didelphis Gracilinanus Hyladelphys Lestodelphys Lutreolina Marmosa Marmosops Metachirus Micoureus Monodelphis Philander Thylamys Tlacuatzin
#Didelphidae #Definition #Explanations

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