???? This simple activity, accessible to all, could be as effective as meditation in reducing stress

2023-09-22 11:00:04

Do you feel a need to relieve your stress and anxiety but have difficulty starting to meditate? A gentle activity, accessible to all, might meet your needs: coloring!
Image d’illustration Pixabay

Researchers from Birmingham City University (England) highlighted some time ago (Time is a concept developed by humans to understand…), the beneficial effect of this activity (The term activity can designate a profession.) on well-being (Well-being or well-being is a state which affects health, pleasure, etc.). The Conversation site recently returned to the results of this study. For this activity to bring the benefits announced, it must be carried out in “full awareness”, that is to say by concentrating on the “present moment”, without passing judgment on possible distractions, parasitic thoughts or emotions which should be welcomed with kindness. As part of their study on the subject, the researchers carried out three separate experiments. The first consisted of comparing the effect caused by this activity in two groups of 36 students each, one coloring mindfully, and the other habitually. Result: the first group showed less anxiety following this activity, which was not the case for the second.

The second experiment compared two groups of teachers (35 teachers in total), one participating in a mindful coloring workshop for 5 days (The day is the interval between sunrise and sunset; it is there…) and the other not practicing this activity. The result was similar to the first experiment because the first group felt, following this experience, less stress (Stress (“constraint” in English), or general syndrome…), more resilience and better concentration.

Finally, the third experiment aimed to compare with 180 people the benefits of meditation with those of mindful coloring. Similar results were seen in both groups, confirming that mindful coloring activity is just as effective as meditation in reducing stress.

For scientists, it should be remembered that it is the “mindfulness” technique that has beneficial effects on reducing stress. As a reminder, the latter consists of keeping particular attention to the present moment and overcoming thoughts and feelings that can cause stress without passing judgment on them. This method can also be applied to other everyday activities, such as walking (Walking (the pleonasm walking is also often used) is a…) or simply knitting.

#simple #activity #accessible #effective #meditation #reducing #stress



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