2023-09-01 06:00:14
Astrophysicists have discovered, through simulations, that some black holes might move through space at almost a tenth of the speed of light. These findings suggest that following a collision, merged black holes might reach incredible speeds.
Image d’illustration Pixabay
Previous studies have demonstrated that two black holes can collide and merge. When they merge, they generate gravitational waves. A displacement (In geometry, a displacement is a similarity that preserves distances and angles…) can then occur in the opposite direction, similar to the recoil of a firearm (Fire is the production of a flame by an exothermic chemical reaction of oxidation…). The energy (In common sense, energy designates everything that makes it possible to carry out work, manufacture…) of this recoil can propel the black hole (Le Trou noir (The Black Hole) is a film of science fiction directed by Gary Nelson,…) resultant (In mathematics, the resultant is a notion that applies to two polynomials….) at very high speeds.
Previous research had suggested that such black holes might reach top speeds of around 5,000 km/s. But James Healy and Carlos Lousto wanted to know more.
Display of the speed (We distinguish:) maximum vs. γv and spin (Spin is an intrinsic quantum property associated with each…) for black holes in fusion (In physics and metallurgy, fusion is the transition of a body from a solid state to a state. ..).
Crédit: Physical Review Letters
With supercomputer simulations, they studied the approach angle of the two black holes before the merger. The results of these simulations, taking into account 1,300 different angles of approach, showed that in the ideal case (In mathematics, an ideal is an algebraic structure defined in a ring….), during flush collisions, the recoil might propel the merged black hole (In astrophysics, a black hole is a massive object whose gravitational field is so intense…) at regarding 28,500 km/s. At this speed, it might cover the distance between the Earth (Earth is the third planet in the Solar System in order of distance…) and the Moon (The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest satellite du…) in just 13 seconds.
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