💥 This technology, inspired by chameleons, allows multi-color printing from a single ink

2024-03-11 07:00:02

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States recently developed an innovative 3D printing technique, inspired by the color-changing abilities of chameleons. This method allows you to print in three dimensions (In common sense, the notion of dimension refers to size; the dimensions of a room…) a varied range of colors temps (Time is a concept developed by human beings to understand…) real, from a single ink. This innovation is based on the use of specially designed polymers and a light (Light is all electromagnetic waves visible to the eye…) UV to control the color (Color is the eye’s subjective perception of one or more wave frequencies…) structure of printed objects.

Inspired by the color-changing abilities of chameleons, researchers developed a dynamic and durable color-changing ink, seen in this 3D printed chameleon illustration created by the team at research (Scientific research primarily refers to all actions undertaken with a view to…).
Crédit: Sanghyun Jeon, Diao Lab

The study, led by Ying Diao, associate professor of chemistry and chemical and biomolecular engineering at theUniversité (A university is an establishment of higher education whose objective is…) from Illinois Urbana-Champaign, was published in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The method developed (In geometry, the evolute of a plane curve is the locus of its centers of…) by the research team relies on the precise adjustment of UV light during the printing process. By modulating this irradiation (In nuclear physics, irradiation refers to the action of exposing (voluntarily or…)the researchers managed to obtain a wide palette of colors, ranging from bleu (Blue (from Old High German “blao” = bright) is one of the three colors…) deep orange flavor, without having need (The needs are at the level of the interaction between the individual and the environment. It is…) to use several types of inks. This innovative approach makes it possible to create color gradients in real time, a technological feat previously unheard of in the field of 3D printing.

The colors obtained using this technique are called “structural” because they come from nanostructures present on the surface of the printed objects, which interact with the visible light (Visible light, also called visible spectrum or optical spectrum, is the part of…). This particularity gives the colors increased vibrancy and durability compared to traditional chemical pigments.

Furthermore, this method offers great versatility by allowing the creation of intricate patterns and details, as evidenced by the reproduction of artistic works such as Vincent Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night”, carried out by the research team to demonstrate the capabilities of this technique.

The study also highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in the development of this innovation. By combining their expertise in chemistry, engineering (Engineering refers to all functions ranging from design and studies to…) and in materials (A material is a material of natural or artificial origin that man shapes to…)researchers were able to design a system capable of producing fascinating properties at the molecular level.

This technological advancement opens the way to numerous potential applications. It might also contribute to the creation of new types of sensors or biomedical applications, thus offering promising prospects for the future of 3D printing.

#technology #inspired #chameleons #multicolor #printing #single #ink



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