[올바른약복용법] vitamins for me

Myung-sook Huh, Vice Chairman of Daejeon Pharmaceutical Association

“Please recommend a vitamin that is right for me.”

A woman in her 20s asked a question because she wanted to take vitamins due to fatigue and skin diseases. Vitamins are by far the most sold nutritional supplements in pharmacies. Aronamin, Impactamine. Bemax, Benfobell. It is not easy to find one that suits you among the many products advertised through advertisements such as Beecom. So, over the next few weeks, we’re going to learn regarding vitamins.

In the early 20th century, Kazimir Pongk started to call the word “vitamin” as “an organic compound essential for life,” that is, vital (life) + amine (organic compound with an amino group), and the main nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) , water) or minerals, but essential nutrients for regulating metabolism and bodily functions. Most of them cannot be synthesized in the body and must be supplemented through ingestion.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) was first isolated in 1926 and up to vitamin B12 in 1948, 13 types of vitamins are known.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is used in the body to metabolize carbohydrates, transmit nerve impulses in nerve cells and muscle cells, and is essential for muscle activity. In case of deficiency, anorexia, numbness, weight loss, muscle weakness, anxiety, depression, heart enlargement, and neuritis in the arms and legs may occur, causing severe pain and swelling of beriberi. It is a nutrient that plays the biggest role in vitamin preparations to the extent that the main advantage of high-content vitamin products of most over-the-counter drugs is the difference in the form and dosage of thiamine.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is essential for the growth and maintenance of retinal pigment and cells in mucous membranes, skin, nails, and hair tissues. Deficiency is rare, but deficiency causes eye fatigue, blurred vision, conjunctivitis, cheilitis, glossitis, and dermatitis around the nose or mouth. can occur When taking vitamins, your urine may turn yellow or orange because of the unique color of riboflavin.

Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid, nicotinic acid amide) is involved in the decomposition of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and the biosynthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids.

Vitamin B5 (pentothenic acid) is involved in generating energy from fats and carbohydrates, and promotes the activation of skin, mucous membranes and hair tissues, and helps wound healing. Deficiency is rare, but there may be anorexia, dermatitis, drowsiness, and paresthesia of hands and feet. Pentothenic acid requirements may be increased in people taking oral contraceptives.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) acts on total synthesis such as neurotransmitters, nerve cells and immune system reactions, nucleic acid synthesis, and steroid hormone regulation through carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and plays an important role in red blood cell production and magnesium assimilation. Deficiency is rare, but it is deficient when taking immunosuppressants or estrogen drugs, and needs to be supplemented. In case of deficiency, stomatitis, glossitis, acne, eczema, insomnia, and depression may appear. In the case of patients taking levodopa for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, pyridoxine may decrease its efficacy, so it should not be used concurrently.

Vitamin B7 (biotin) is widely used together with medicinal yeast as a treatment for hair loss, and it is necessary for various cellular functions, including energy generation and glucose and fatty acid synthesis. In case of deficiency, alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, anorexia, anemia, depression, muscle pain, etc. may appear. When taking anticonvulsants such as phenytoin, phenobarbital, or carbamazepine, the blood level of biotin decreases, so supplementation is necessary.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid, folic acid) acts as a coenzyme in nucleic acid synthesis and amino acid metabolism, and plays an important role in cell division and red blood cell production. In particular, pregnant women must take folic acid to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus, and women who are planning to become pregnant should supplement with folic acid regarding 3 months before pregnancy.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is essential for the production and maturation of red blood cells, the functioning of the nervous system and DNA synthesis.

In case of deficiency, gastric ulcer, gastritis, anorexia, diarrhea, fatigue, stomatitis, anemia, etc. may appear. Since vitamin B12 is only present in animal foods, it can be deficient in strict vegetarians, AIDS patients, and alcoholics. In addition, long-term use of metformin, a diabetes treatment, or H2 receptor antagonist, a gastric acid secretion inhibitor, may result in deficiency, so supplementation is necessary.



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