[문화]Singer Hyunmi, the last stage before the day before her death is a free filial piety concert

It turned out that the last stage of singer Hyeon-mi, who passed away yesterday at the age of 85, was a free filial piety concert that was raised by talent donation the day before her death.

The Korea Sharing Federation, a corporation, announced that on the 3rd, Hyeon-mi gave warm comfort to the neglected elderly on the stage of the silver filial piety concert held at the Korean Hyo Cultural Center in Gimcheon, Gyeongbuk.

An official from the Korea Sharing Federation said that at the time of the concert, his voice was full of energy and he looked healthy, so he didn’t know it would be the last stage.

At the same time, Hyun-mi revealed that she was a compassionate person who told me to tell her if there was anything she could help for those in need.

In the meantime, the deceased has been working as a public relations ambassador for the Korea Sharing Federation and has been performing talent donation activities on the stage of the Filial Piety Concert.

The mortuary for Hyeon-mi, who died yesterday (4th), will be prepared as soon as her two sons return from the United States.

YTN Lee Seung-eun (selee@ytn.co.kr)

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