[글로벌리포트]”It’s hard to breathe”… India’s hottest ‘moan’ in 122 years


Summer hasn’t even arrived yet, and India suffers from the scorching heat of close to 50 degrees Celsius every day.

As the premature sweltering heat continues, concerns are growing that medical problems may be more serious than the damage caused by COVID-19.

Reporter Seong-mi Kim from India.


India has been experiencing record-breaking heatwaves since March, with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius.

It is the ‘hottest spring’ in 122 years since meteorological observations began.

Vendors get tired of the heat and close their business to rest in the shade.

As there were cases of even flying birds falling down due to symptoms of dehydration, citizens poured water on the streets for the birds to drink.

The current time is 6 pm, and the temperature is over 43 degrees even when the sun is setting.

This year, we skip spring and say that summer is just around the corner.

[산지브 꾸마르 / 인도 뉴델리 : 너무 덥다 보니까 집에서 쉬는 것도 쉽지 않습니다. 식수를 구하는 데도 많은 어려움이 있습니다. 매우 힘듭니다.]

[이거성 / 인도 구르가온 : 체감은 50도 정도 되는 것 같습니다. 밖에 나가면 너무 뜨겁고 건조해서 숨쉬기 힘들 때도 있고요. 자고 일어나서 아침에 차가운 물을 틀어도 물이 전혀 차갑지 않고 뜨거운 물이 나오는 상황입니다.]

Due to the hot weather, the demand for air conditioning has surged, and the price of coal has risen in the followingmath of the Ukraine war, causing disruptions in power supply.

Due to power outages, some schools have closed or shortened classes due to power outages in various places.

As water consumption increases, there is also concern regarding the shortage of drinking water.

[미르티윤자 모하 파트라 / 인도 기상청장 : 저희가 가진 데이터에 따르면 인도는 지난 3월 122년 만에 가장 높은 평균 기온을 기록했습니다. 전 세계가 기후 변화의 영향을 겪는 것처럼 인도 역시 기후 변화의 영향을 받고 있습니다.]

The Indian Meteorological Agency points out that the cause of the premature heat wave is carbon dioxide emissions, which are considered the main culprits of global warming, stressing that the problem might also affect the world’s food supply.

[미르티윤자 모하 파트라 / 인도 기상청장 : 이산화탄소를 흡수하면서 해양의 산성 수치가 올라가고 이는 해양의 유기체에 악영향을 미치게 됩니다. 이렇게 되면 어업을 하는 사람뿐만 아니라 전 세계의 식량 안보까지 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.]

As the death toll from heat stroke continues this year, among medical experts, concerns are growing that the heatwave might lead to a bigger medical problem than COVID-19.

This is Seongmi Kim from YTN World in India.

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