[국제]”There is no water”… 2 billion people around the world drink ‘feces and urine contamination’ drinking water

The slums of Venezuela… no government water service
United Nations: 1 in 10 people in the world do not have enough water for their needs
“Water pollution and sanitation problems… 1.4 million deaths a year”
“There will be a shortage of water even in a good place now… Investment must be increased”


It has been found that regarding 2 billion people, a quarter of the world’s population, are exposed to various diseases by using water contaminated with feces as a drinking water source.

It is said that there is a shortage of water, but the United Nations holds a general meeting to discuss countermeasures following 46 years.

Reporter Lee Kyung-ah reports.


Plastic bins are lined along the road at the foot of the mountain.

It is to receive the water flowing down from the mountain.

Not a few people drive here for hours to get water.

It is a familiar daily life in Venezuela, where not only water for living but also drinking water is scarce.

[조니 쿠엘로 / 지역 주민 : 1주일에 한 번 여기 와서 2시간 가까이 식수를 받아 갑니다. 그렇지 않으면 우리는 쓸 수 있는 물이 없습니다.]

The more difficult the place to live, the worse the water situation.

This is because government water service does not reach the slums, and even if there is, the cost is unaffordable.

The old man, in his 70s, says he has lived without running water for over 20 years already.

[카르멘 우트리아 / 베네수엘라 페타레 주민 : 물 트럭에서 파는 물은 한 통에 2~2.5달러입니다. 너무 비싸요. 우물물을 길어다 파는 사람들이 있는데 그게 더 쌉니다.]

According to a report published by the United Nations on World Water Day, one in 10 people worldwide does not have access to the water they need on time.

In particular, regarding 2 billion people are exposed to various diseases because they use contaminated water as a drinking water source.

It kills 1.4 million people a year, according to the United Nations.

In addition, he suggested increasing investment to three times the current level for safe water, saying that even regions that are not experiencing problems will face water shortages due to global warming.

In this situation, for the first time since 1977, high-level representatives of each country are meeting at the United Nations to discuss the water shortage issue.

At this meeting, 118 countries gathered, Korea will also attend to introduce policies and technologies to solve water problems.

This is YTN Lee Kyung-ah.

YTN Lee Kyung-ah (kalee@ytn.co.kr)

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