[국제]Piano man playing ‘Peace’ to appease the refugees’ hearts


What do those who fled war need most?

Someone’s warm comfort is sometimes more important than anything else.

It is said that a piano man playing peace appeared at the Ukraine-Polish border checkpoint.

Correspondent Yang Dong-hoon reports in Poland.


The Medica checkpoint where refugees who have just crossed over from Ukraine warm up and quench their hunger.

A man pulls a piano and suddenly starts playing.

I started the performance with John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’, a song with a message of anti-war and peace, and performed several songs by the Beatles and Michael Jackson.

The refugees who ran down the hard road responded with generous applause and cheers.

Here at the Medica checkpoint, cars are waiting in long lines to enter Ukraine.

That’s a lot more than the vehicles coming from Ukraine.

Many of them are going to Ukraine to provide relief supplies.

[저스티나 / 폴란드인 : 저희가 할 수 있는 한 최선을 다해 그들을 돕고 싶어요. 제가 사는 마을에 있는 병원에서 의약품들을 가져왔어요.]

[안드레 / 독일인 : 우리는 독일에서 천300㎞ 가까이 달려왔어요. 인도적인 도움이 될 수 있는 물건 2.5t 어치를 운반하고 있습니다.]

I also met a Ukrainian who said he would go back to protect his family and friends.

[로만 / 우크라이나인 : 내 가족들과 친구들이 우크라이나에 살고 있어요. 그들과 함께 싸울 겁니다.]

Some go back to Ukraine, some come from Ukraine.

“We’re going back,” he says in a steady voice.

[리사 & 마르고 / 우크라이나 피난민 : (전쟁이 끝나면) 당연히 돌아갈 거에요. 우리나라를 사랑하니까요. 우리는 우리 고향, 우크라이나를 떠나서 사는 건 생각해본 적도 없어요.]

[다니엘 / 우크라이나 피난민 : 전 나중에 우크라이나로 돌아갈 거에요. 가서 공부도 하고 결혼도 할 거예요.]

What can be of comfort to those who have gone through a difficult escape route was the hope that the war would one day end and a heartfelt act of kindness.

This is Dong-Hoon Yang from YTN’s Psemisil in Poland.

YTN Donghoon Yang (yangdh01@ytn.co.kr)

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