[국제]North Korean government strongly criticizes Kim Jong-un, does he carry out a nuclear test?


As North Korea raises the level of criticism against the South Korean government and the United States, the possibility of conducting a nuclear test is again drawing attention.

However, there are forecasts that it will be difficult to launch a nuclear test right away due to China’s containment.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports.


On the 27th, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un harshly criticized the Korean government, calling it “annihilation.”

If South Korea and the United States launch a preemptive strike, they will take strong retribution.

North Korea has also reiterated its position that it will continue its nuclear tests and ICBM development in terms of its right to self-defense.

[최진 / 북한 외무성 산하 군축평화연구소 부소장 : 우리의 자위적 국방력 강화조치들은 외부의 군사적 위협으로부터 국가의 안전과 영역을 수호하기 위한 합법적이고 정당한 주권 행사로서 그 어느 나라에도 위해를 주지 않았습니다.]

North Korea has already completed preparations for a nuclear test.

White House Coordinator Kirby made this statement on the 26th, but did not mention a specific time point.

In fact, it seems that only the decision of Chairman Kim Jong-un remains.

[네드 프라이스 / 미국 국무부 대변인 : 북한은 우리가 일관되게 말해왔듯이 국제 평화와 안보, 그리고 세계 핵 비확산 체제에 위협이 되고 있습니다.]

But for North Korea, it is burdensome for China to oppose the nuclear test.

China’s ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun, made it clear in June that he did not want North Korea to test a nuclear weapon.

This is because the surrounding situation needs to be stabilized ahead of the 20th Party Congress, which will formalize President Xi Jinping’s third term in office.

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It is also a situation that China does not want that North Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons could lead to the nuclear disarmament of South Korea and Japan.

It is difficult for North Korea to ignore China, which is almost the only donor amid COVID-19 and Security Council sanctions.

Therefore, if the nuclear test is carried out, weight is being placed on the possibility that it will be after the party congress expected in October.

This is YTN Kang Sung-woong.

YTN Kang Sung-woong (swkang@ytn.co.kr)

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