President Joe Biden, who was re-confirmed for COVID-19, tested negative for rapid antigen.
However, as the quarantine is longer than expected ahead of the midterm elections that are three months away, the White House is in deep trouble.
Democratic candidates are distanced from Biden, who has lost approval ratings.
Reporter Kim Sang-woo on the sidewalk.
President Biden, whose approval rating has plummeted due to inflation and other factors, visited the Middle East last month, including Saudi Arabia, to keep up with the skyrocketing international oil prices.
Instead of shaking hands, he bowed fists and tried to increase oil production, but failed to achieve results.
After receiving treatment with the antiviral drug Paxrovid in quarantine, he returned to work following receiving a negative test.
[조 바이든/미국 대통령(지난달 30일) : 오늘 아침 양성 판정을 받았습니다. 앞으로 재택 근무를 며칠 더 할 예정입니다. 저는 건강 상태가 모든 것이 아주 좋습니다.]
President Joe Biden, who was re-confirmed, released a letter from his doctor on the 6th local time, saying that “the rapid antigen test was negative and he is in good condition.”
However, he added that quarantine will continue as previously stated until a second negative result is obtained.
[카린 장피에르 /백악관 대변인 (지난 3일) : 바이든 대통령은 (코로나) 음성 결과가 나올 때까지 격리될 것입니다. 격리 해제 여부는 대통령 주치의가 2차 코로나 검사 결과에 따라 결정할 것입니다.]
Ahead of the midterm elections, a large-scale event to elect all members of the House of Representatives in November, the White House is in deep trouble as Biden’s quarantine is longer than expected and his feet are tied and his approval ratings are dropping.
CNN reported that Democratic candidates are still keeping their distance from the president as the Biden leadership has been shaken significantly as economic problems such as a shortage of milk powder, corona, monkey pox, and the situation in Ukraine and China become serious.
Recent polls suggest that the current election would shift the majority in the House of Representatives to the Republican Party, and that former President Donald Trump would defeat Biden in a virtual 2024 presidential showdown.
When the quarantine is lifted, President Biden plans to go to places of livelihood, such as Kentucky, where heavy rains have caused great damage, to recover his damaged leadership, but it is unclear whether this will work out as there are so many variables in opponents such as Russia and China.
This is YTN Kim Sang-woo.
YTN Kim Sang-woo ([email protected])
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