[국제]Biden considers going to Europe for 1 year of war in Ukraine…Discussing new military support

White House “Nothing has been decided yet on Biden’s trip to Europe”
“U.S. Considers New Military Assistance Plan for Ukraine”
Decided to deploy Abrams tank following Himas etc.


It is known that US President Joe Biden is considering a visit to Europe to mark the first year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

It is said that he expressed support for Ukraine and is considering giving a speech, but it is noteworthy whether he will visit Ukraine himself.

Reporter Kim Seon-hee reports.


NBC reported, citing multiple government officials, that President Joe Biden is considering a visit to Europe around the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine next month.

He explained that the purpose of his visit to Europe was to show the world the strong support of the United States by reaffirming solidarity with Ukraine.

However, a White House official said that President Biden’s trip to Europe has not yet been concluded.

It is known that the US government is also considering a new military aid plan for Ukraine in the first year of the war.

The United States has been providing various weapons systems to Ukraine since the outbreak of the war.

In addition to the high-mass rocket system and howitzer, tactical vehicles and Patriot air defense missiles, Bradley and Stryker armored vehicles were provided, and recently, it was decided to deploy even the Abrams main battle tank.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 : 에이브럼스 탱크는 세계에서 가장 유능한 탱크입니다. 또 작동과 유지 보수가 매우 복잡합니다. 그래서 우리는 전장에서 이 탱크들을 효과적으로 지탱하는 데 필요한 부품과 장비도 제공합니다.]

In fact, it supports most of the conventional forces except fighter jets, but it is not known what is being reviewed for the new military support plan.

If President Biden visits Europe, it seems that he will send a message from the West that he will not back down from confrontation with Russia.

A source said he was also considering giving a speech regarding the need for the West to remain united in the future.

President Biden has been to the Ukrainian border area, such as Poland, since the outbreak of the war, but he has never stepped on Ukrainian soil.

If a visit to Europe is decided, it is also attracting attention that he will visit Ukraine.

This is YTN Kim Seon-hee.

YTN Kim Seon-hee (sunny@ytn.co.kr)

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