[국제]Accidents in three subsea gas pipelines in one day… West and Russia suspect each other


A large amount of gas leaked from the submarine gas pipeline linking Russia and Germany, which occurred in three consecutive places in one day.

In response, the West and Russia raised the possibility of the other side’s secret sabotage, saying that it would not be a simple accident.

This is the report by Lee Dong-heon.


A view of the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe on the 27th local time.

Bubbles keep coming up like the sea surface is boiling.

Methane gas leaked from a large gas pipeline on the seabed.

In one day, three large gas leaks occurred in one day in the Nordstream 1, 2, and 2 gas pipelines connecting Germany and Russia.

Both pipelines are currently out of service, but significant amounts of gas remain in the pipelines.

The Danish Maritime Transport Authority has banned ships from operating in the surrounding waters.

The West and Russia are suspicious of each other, with the unprecedented occurrence of gas leaks in three locations almost simultaneously.

Russia has not ruled out the possibility of covert sabotage, citing concerns related to the energy security of the entire continent.

[드미트리 페스코프 / 그렘린궁 대변인 : 공식적인 조사 결과가 나오기까지 이번 사고와 관련해 (비밀파괴 공작 등) 어떤 가능성도 배제할 수 없습니다.]

The West, on the other hand, is weighing on the possibility that Russia, which has weaponized energy in the past, deliberately intervened in the accident in relation to the Ukraine crisis.

[마테우시 모라비에츠키 / 폴란드 총리 : 비밀파괴 공작이 분명해 보입니다. 우크라이나 상황을 한층 더 고조시키기 위한 것으로 보이는 행동입니다.]

While both sides are calling for an immediate fact-finding and restoration, it is expected that it will take several days for the gas pipeline to be repaired because the hole in the gas pipe is significant.

This is YTN Lee Dong-heon.

YTN Lee Dong-heon (dhlee@ytn.co.kr)

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