★ ZipSafe: Import from the US with the safest shipping in the world

what to Zip4Me is the best service on the market to import products from the United States, you probably already know. Turns and moves, we comment here some of the facilities offered by our partners so that you can save a lot when buying something abroad — like the Assisted Purchase, for example.

What was already good, meanwhile, just got even better! Now, in addition to offering one of the easiest and most practical import services on the market, Zip4Me also has a redirection service safest in the world — all thanks to the newly released ZipSafe!

On the air a few days ago, ZipSafe is Zip4Me’s new shipping method that seeks to give you even more security during the import process. With it, you have the guarantee that you will receive your hard-earned money back if something goes wrong during the shipment of your purchases.

ZipSafe is nothing more than Zip4Me’s insurance combined with Priority Mail, from the United States Postal Service (USPS). When opting for this modality, you pay a fee of 5% on top of the original value of your product to protect it from a series of situations. And, as it is a postal service, the tax is 60%; if you live in one of the Brazilian states that tax ICMS on imports, you also have to consider this value.

You can also choose to use ZipSafe’s insurance through the Global modality, in which the transport is done by FedEx and the average delivery time is 10 calendar days — there are already reports of customers who live in the state of São Paulo receiving in only 3 business days!

The advantage of the modality via FedEx is certainly the delivery time; the disadvantage is that, as it is a service of courier, adding import taxes + ICMS, the total amount of taxes can reach 140% of the declared value. So it’s good to pay attention to that.

Here’s everything covered by this new Zip4Me shipping option:

  • Importation of the object/content not authorized by the inspection bodies.
  • Dimensions of the object make treatment and delivery impossible.
  • Missing or incorrect customs declaration.
  • Item returned to the Post Office.
  • Object returned to sender.
  • Damaged object and/or content.
  • Object and/or content damaged by vehicle accident.
  • Lost object.
  • Stolen object.

All ZipSafe coverage details and information are available in this document [PDF].

In practice, this means that if you don’t receive your product in the comfort of your home, you can receive a refund for your purchases 90 days later. In this way, Zip4Me can categorically state that it has, today, the safest service for sending products from the USA to Brazil.

Zip4Me’s differentials

As the Zip4Me warehouse is located in the state of Oregon, you are free of the famous American state tax, also known as sales tax and which is present in several regions of the USA. That way, even if you opt for ZipSafe, you’re still saving, since when you buy with Zip4Me, you already guarantee savings of at least 6%.

As we always say, Zip4Me has a large warehouse that can store your products for up to three months — a period that is renewed with each new purchase you make and have it delivered to your address/MCC.

Then you bundle it all into one shipment to your home or anywhere else—even to a hotel in the US if you have a trip booked. So, you can also go shopping little by little, even taking advantage of promotions that are happening in the USA.

Just as the customer makes his customs declaration, it is also his responsibility to know the customs laws of the country of destination. In this case, there may be an ICMS charge on imports, if you live in states such as RS, MG and SC — the average is 18%. For more information on the taxation regime, visit the Federal Revenue website.

If you have never used Zip4Me, use the coupon MM15 for earn up to $15 in the cost of redirection. ???? To better understand how the company’s service works and how it can help you, be sure to check out this page.

TRANSPARENCY NOTE: This is a sponsored article, independently written by MacMagazine from a commercial agreement with the advertiser, which did not influence the content of the post.



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