Zuñiga’s Missed Chances in Bolivia: The Wait for Reinforcements

Bolivian Minister of the Presidency, Maria Nela Pradareported this Thursday that the dismissed military chief Juan Jose Zunigawho led a group of soldiers to take over the headquarters of the Bolivian Executive, He confessed that he was unable to “achieve the objectives of the uprising” because his reinforcements “took a long time to arrive.”

The minister read to the media the interview that the police conducted with Zuñiga after his capture.

According to Prada, when asking Zuñiga ““the reason why the objectives of the uprising were not achieved”, he admitted that “Viacha units took a while to arrive” and thatand “Navy and Air Force personnel were also unable to arrive.”

In the transcript of the statements that according to the minister was signed by Zuñiga, he added that “It was decided that the uprising would take place on Wednesday, June 26. at 11:00 a.m., since all the commanders of the military forces were present.”

Prada added at the conference that “All Bolivians are called to defend our democracy, called to not use what has happened politically to see how to profit from it” and asked not to use the ““attempted coup d’état” for personal purposes.

International community condemns coup attempt

The international community unanimously rejected the coup attempt that took place in Bolivia and supported its president, Luis Arcewho denounced “irregular movements” of some Army units, headed by its general commander, Juan José Zuñiga.

From Paraguay, the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagrocategorically stated that the body will not tolerate ““no form of breach of the legitimate constitutional order in Bolivia” following the deployment of military personnel in front of the Government headquarters in La Paz.

In light of what happened, the pro tempore president of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and Honduran President Xiomara Castrocalled for an “urgent” meeting of the leaders of the countries of the regional organization to ““condemn the fascism that today threatens democracy in Bolivia and demand full respect for civil power and the Constitution.”

Also, in a message shared on X, the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (CAN) rejected “strongly» any act that «“attack democracy” from Bolivia, a member of this organization.

For its part, the Government of USA In a brief written statement, the White House responded to EFE saying that it is “closely monitoring” the situation and urged “calm and moderation,” without mentioning the phrase “coup d’état” that Arce has used.

The ruler of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, He said during an event with businessmen: “We are denouncing a coup against Bolivian democracy,” and said he had spoken with both his Bolivian counterpart and former President Evo Morales, to whom he confirmed his full support.

From his account on X, the president of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canellamented the «an attack on democracy and the Bolivian people» and extended «all the solidarity” to the Arce Government before “the “Coup attempt underway.”

In turn, the Government of Nicaragua, through its vice president, Rosario Murillo, He said the facts “outrage us all.”

For his part, another of Arce’s allies in the region, the Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, He said that “In Latin America, coups never worked,” in a first reaction following the deployment of military personnel in La Paz.

The Brazilian leader assured in X that “Brazil’s position is clear. I am a lover of democracy and I want it to prevail throughout Latin America.”

The Foreign Ministry in Brasilia also condemned what happened “in the strongest terms.”

For his part, the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petroinvited “To all the Bolivian people to the democratic resistance”while the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, expressed his “strongest condemnation” of what happened.

The President of Chile, Gabriel Boricdid not hesitate to demonstrate his “worry” and reiterated his support “to democracy in the sister country and to the legitimate government of Luis Arce,” condemning “the unacceptable action of force”.

From Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Poustated that the coup attempt ““it threatens the democratic and constitutional order.”

He Ecuadorian Government He was also quick to speak out through his Chancellery, regretting the “events that occurred in Bolivia» and doing «votes for the validity of democracy, the rule of law and respect for the established constitutional order.”

The reaction of the Peruvian Government was given through its Prime Minister, Gustavo Adrianzén, who also rejected “any attempt to violate the rule of law.”

Likewise, the President of Guatemala Bernardo Arevalohe pointed out that ““force is not the way” to «the construction of free and democratic nations.”

The European Union He condemned “any attempt” at a coup and said ““its solidarity with the Bolivian Government and people,” according to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell.

Coincidentally, the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez, condemned “roundly» the military movements in Bolivia and called for “respect democracy and the rule of law.”

#Zuñiga #achieve #objectives #Bolivia #reinforcements #long #time #arrive
2024-09-17 08:31:12

– What were ​the main​ reasons ⁣for the failure⁣ of the coup attempt in Bolivia according to the ​Minister? ​

Bolivian Minister Reveals Coup Leader’s Confession: “Reinforcements ⁤Took Too Long to Arrive”

In a shocking turn of ⁤events, Bolivian Minister of the Presidency, Maria Nela⁤ Prada, revealed on Thursday that the dismissed military chief, Juan Jose Zuniga, who led a group​ of soldiers to take ⁢over the ‌headquarters⁢ of the​ Bolivian ‍Executive, confessed ⁢that he ‍was unable to “achieve the objectives of the uprising” because his reinforcements “took ​a ⁢long time to arrive.”

According to Prada, Zuniga admitted during⁤ his police interview that the reason​ for ‍the ⁤failed coup attempt was the delayed arrival⁢ of his ​reinforcements. He also stated ​that Navy⁢ and Air Force personnel were unable to arrive⁣ on‍ time, further hindering the⁤ success of the uprising.

The Minister read ⁤out the transcript​ of Zuniga’s ⁣statements to the media, in which ‍he ‍also revealed that ⁤the coup ‌attempt was planned to take place ​on ⁣Wednesday, June 26, at 11:00 a.m., when all the commanders of ‍the military forces were present.

Prada urged all ⁤Bolivians to defend their democracy and⁣ not ‍use the attempted coup d’état for personal purposes.⁢ She ‌emphasized the⁢ importance of preserving democracy and respecting the⁤ constitution.

International Community Condemns Coup‌ Attempt

The international community has unanimously rejected⁣ the coup attempt in ‌Bolivia, with leaders from across ⁤the region and ​the world ⁤condemning the actions of⁣ the military personnel.

The ⁤Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary General, Luis Almagro, ​stated that ‌the body will not tolerate any breach ⁣of the legitimate constitutional order in Bolivia.⁣ The Community of Latin American ‌and Caribbean States ‌(CELAC) and the Andean Community (CAN) have also⁤ expressed their strong condemnation⁢ of the coup attempt.

The United ⁢States Government has urged calm​ and moderation,⁣ while the rulers‍ of Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and other regional leaders have spoken out against the attempted‍ coup.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva stated that “in ‌Latin America,‍ coups never work,” and expressed Brazil’s⁤ clear⁣ position in supporting ​democracy in ​the region.⁢ Other leaders, including the presidents of Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, and‌ Ecuador, have also ⁢voiced their strong⁣ condemnation of⁢ the coup attempt.

The international community’s swift and united⁣ response to ⁢the attempted coup in Bolivia serves as​ a testament to the region’s commitment to‌ democracy and the rule of law.

Keywords: Bolivia, Coup Attempt, Juan⁢ Jose Zuniga, Maria Nela Prada, Luis Arce, Democracy, Rule of Law, International Community, OAS, CELAC, Andean Community, USA, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Brazil,​ Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador.

Meta Description: Bolivian Minister ‌reveals coup leader’s confession, international community condemns coup attempt, and leaders from across the region and the world speak out against the⁣ attempted coup.

SEO-optimized keywords: Bolivia coup, Bolivian Minister, Maria Nela Prada, Juan Jose Zuniga,‍ democracy, rule of law, international community, OAS, CELAC, Andean Community,

– What were the goals of the failed coup attempt in Bolivia?

Bolivian Minister Reveals Failed Coup Attempt: International Community Condemns

In a shocking turn of events, Bolivian Minister of the Presidency, Maria Nela Prada, has revealed the details of a failed coup attempt led by dismissed military chief Juan Jose Zuniga. The minister disclosed that Zuniga had confessed to being unable to “achieve the objectives of the uprising” due to the delay of his reinforcements.

Failed Coup Attempt

According to Prada, Zuniga explained that the plan was to stage the uprising on Wednesday, June 26, at 11:00 a.m., when all military commanders were present. However, he admitted that the reinforcements from Viacha took a long time to arrive, and personnel from the Navy and Air Force were unable to arrive, leading to the failure of the coup attempt.

International Community Condemns Coup Attempt

The international community has categorically condemned the coup attempt, with leaders from across the region and the world expressing their support for Bolivian President Luis Arce and the country’s democracy.

The Organization of American States (OAS) has stated that it will not tolerate any breach of the legitimate constitutional order in Bolivia.

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) has called for an urgent meeting to condemn the coup attempt and demand respect for democracy and the Constitution.

The Andean Community (CAN) has strongly rejected any act that attacks democracy in Bolivia.

The United States Government has urged calm and moderation, while also closely monitoring the situation.

Leaders from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Brazil have also expressed their support for Bolivia’s democracy and condemned the coup attempt.

Reactions from World Leaders

Paraguayan Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, stated that the organization will not tolerate any breach of the legitimate constitutional order in Bolivia.

Honduran President Xiomara Castro called for an urgent meeting to condemn the coup attempt and demand respect for democracy and the Constitution.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro denounced the coup attempt, saying it was an attack on Bolivian democracy.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel lamented the attack on democracy and the Bolivian people, extending his solidarity to the Arce Government.

Nicaraguan Vice President Rosario Murillo expressed outrage at the facts.

* Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva stated that coups never work in Latin America and reiterated Brazil’s commitment to democracy.

Call to Action

The Bolivian Minister of the Presidency, Maria Nela Prada, has called on all Bolivians to defend their democracy and not use the attempted coup for personal gain. The international community has also rallied behind Bolivia’s democracy, condemning the coup attempt and expressing support for President Arce and the country’s constitutional order.

In light of these events, it is clear that the world is united in its commitment to democracy and the rule of law. As the situation in Bolivia continues to unfold, it is crucial that the international community remains vigilant and supportive of Bolivia’s democratic institutions.

What were the main reasons for the failure of the coup attempt in Bolivia according to the Minister?

According to the Minister, the main reasons for the failure of the coup attempt were:

  1. Delay of reinforcements: The reinforcements from Viacha



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