Zulma Lobato distanced herself from Cristina’s attacker and said that she attacked her after the selfie

When the identity of the author of the attack against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner became known, A photo of Fernando Andre Sabag Montiel together with Zulma Lobato went viral. Immediately, Lautaro Reyes, a representative of the media, flatly ruled out that he had any relationship with the man who triggered the vice president in front of her home in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Recoleta.

“Zulma is very upset. She is bad for everything that happens in the country and with Cristina. We remembered the day we saw it and we remembered that this happened in April, when we went for a walk along the pedestrian street. He was very excited in front of a gallery and approached us to take a picture. Once we got her out, he left insulting us. He called us ‘old fuckers,’” Reyes explained.

He also assured that the artist condemns and repudiates the assassination attempt on the vice president, who is very sympathetic. “It hurt us to see that this man, dangerous and aggressive, wanted to put an end to the life of our beloved and respected Cristina”the lawyer added in TN.

Sabag Montiel exhibited his photos with celebrities on social networks. In addition to taking a selfie with Zulma Lobato, he did the same with La Chabona and Christian from Lugano. It was also recorded with Taylor Hawkins, el baterista de Foo Fighterswho passed away last March after playing with the American band in the City of Buenos Aires.

Who is the man who shot Cristina Kirchner

The police identified as Fernando Andre Sabag Montiel the author of the failed attack against the Vice President of the Nation that was registered last Thursday in Uruguay and Juncal, in the heart of the Recoleta neighborhood in the City of Buenos Aires. He is 35 years old, is Brazilian and lives in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of La Paternal.

The Chabona.jpg

The attacker has record for carrying non-conventional weapons on public roads. The City Police arrested him in 2021 for having a knife in his possession. In the raid carried out by the Federal Police in his house, 100 bullets were found, in addition to documentation that is the subject of investigation by the justice system.

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>> Read more: The defendant for the murderous attack against Cristina Kirchner refused to testify

Sabag Montiel, according to commercial records, is registered as dedicated to the “non-regular urban and suburban automotive transport service for free passengers; except through taxis and remises, car rental with driver and school transport.

The accused of attacking Cristina refused to testify

Sabag Montiel, the person accused of having tried to assassinate Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, refused to testify this Friday night before federal judge María Eugenia Capuchetti and prosecutor Carlos Rívolo, who investigated him at the Federal Police headquarters on Cavia Street, according to judicial sources.

The accused listened to the reading of the facts by the judicial officials and accused a blow to the eye that he would have received at the moment in which he was reduced by the demonstrators who on Thursday night gathered in front of the former president’s home, according to those close to the case.

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