Zoom in ! : And you, what are you going to do? Between doubts, choose your path

“Lost in transition”, many young people find it difficult to make a choice of studies or profession. For some, it’s even running out of fuel! The expression Later I will be… does it still apply to Generation Z, whom companies are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit and retain? How do you navigate the range of possibilities? With what expectations and visions of a world of work whose realities change every day?

This fourth episode of the Zoomer podcast! wonders regarding the key transitions marking this generation before entering “adult life”. Orientation at the end of studies, looking for a first job when leaving the parental home… So many delayed transitions from one generation to another.

Today, knowing yourself well before making a choice, being fulfilled at work, even if it means changing it regularly, and above all finding meaning in it seems essential in the eyes of these young people who no longer want to waste their life earning it.



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