Zodiac signs: Virgo, you have problems and…obstacles today, arrogance and arrogant ego will not help you

Today will be a difficult day, as Mars in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, causing problems and putting obstacles in our way. Our patience will reach its limits, tolerance and willingness to compromise are non-existent, while finding solutions and alternatives seems unlikely. Also, accidents, cancellations, delays, failure, rejection and forced changes of objectives are not excluded. We have to be, quite careful, cool and logical because impulsive actions will have consequences.


Today the square of Mars in your 3rd with retrograde Saturn in your 12th culminates and these days will be somewhat difficult as your energy and action will be blocked, resulting in you feeling angry about all the things you find difficult to accomplish. You have no patience with the obstacles presented or with the delays, however this is the message of the aspect for you, that is to learn to operate more methodically and to be able to understand until your limits are reached in your daily life as well as in your interactions you. You should be careful in transactions and transactions because problems will also arise in your relationship with siblings and relatives. You will also need to be careful while driving because your vehicle may be damaged.


With the square of Mars in your 2nd with retrograde Saturn from your 11th, you will have financial difficulties and insecurities, as a result of which you will not be able to implement goals and plans concerning your future. Anything that concerns you personally will scare you, fill you with guilt, while it is possible that you will discover the true face of people who make up your friendly and social environment and be disappointed, since you counted on their support and help. In any case, the message of the aspect is to learn to operate independently, to manage more carefully in the financial sector and to manage challenges with calmness and more organization. It is not a suitable time for important decisions or radical changes regarding professional and financial plans.


For you, the invitations of the square of Mars in your 1st with retrograde Saturn in your 10th will be more intense and pressing, resulting in you becoming quite irritable. You feel that they do not understand you and that they are trying to control and block your expression and action in general. You will strongly feel any kind of limitation and you will face many problems in your professional area with established people. The message you should receive is to recognize your true needs and desires according to your abilities and worth. Uncontrollable action, outbursts and anger should be moderated, also excessive egotism. Intense disagreements will arise with partners and also with your lover.


The square of Mars in your 12th with retrograde Saturn from your 9th will cause you worries, insecurities and strong fear and a sense of rejection and failure. The lack of action and subdued moods on your part, creates fertile ground for it to be brought to your back through a lot of background, as a result of which you work hard and vindictively whoever gets the favor. Suppressed anger is never good, so it’s better to focus on your personal development and let others eat your dust. The message of the aspect for you is to recognize yourself, your potential, by philosophizing more about situations. Problems may arise if you are on a journey, so keep your eyes peeled.


Today the square of Mars in your 11th with retrograde Saturn in your 8th peaks, to affect the financial sector and your friendly environment. Your income may decrease, for example your partner may not be able to cover you financially, you may delay receiving a compensation, an inheritance, etc. and not only will it be difficult to meet your needs, but you will have to put the brakes on , in dreams and ambitions you had for your future but also in social contacts and your friendly environment, as a result of which you grow cold towards some people. In the difficult times, the real friends will be seen, so through these experiences you will manage to re-evaluate them, according to their values ​​and their attitude towards you.


Today the square of Mars in your 10th with retrograde Saturn from your 7th is completed to bring intense reactions and problems both in the professional area and in your social and emotional relationships. The truth is that you will constantly stumble into problems and you will hardly be able to succeed in expressing your ambitions, especially when you constantly find resistance from partners and people you work with. What you should understand is that arrogance and arrogant egoism because you happen to be favored by prestigious people will not help you in your relationships, on the contrary it makes you more obnoxious and uncooperative. Your partner may put a brake on your ambitions, judge you harshly and there may be tensions and disagreements that you will find difficult to manage.


With the square of Mars in your 9th peaking with retrograde Saturn from your 6th, you will feel exhausted by the weight of responsibilities and obligations, especially if you still haven’t taken your summer vacation and gone somewhere for vacation. Exhausting schedules, adversities at work and responsibilities at home bring incredible pressure. You have to find a way to control your actions, limit your obligations and philosophize about some situations, otherwise your batteries for the coming season will not be charged. You should find time to relax, rest, and completely put compulsions and stress out of your mind, even when you’re being horribly pressured to complete things that aren’t happening.


Today the square of Mars in your 8th with retrograde Saturn from your 5th peaks and it is likely that you will feel your love affairs or your children if they exist, how they block your emotions and cause and intensify your phobias and insecurities in relation with your financial security, through money that comes through others. They will be critical, harsh with you and will disappoint you with their attitude and behavior. On the other hand, it is wise to try to limit the sadomasochistic, vengeful and self-destructive tendencies you have during this period, because it is very likely that this is what your children want to catch. You should have self-control and self-discipline and be careful not to injure yourself or endanger yourself in general. Sex these days…. ceases to exist.


With Mars square your 7th completing retrograde Saturn in your 7th, problems and tensions will arise within the home with family as well as your partner. You will feel suffocating pressure from your parents and your own people, especially if they do not approve of your bond or marriage. If they are right or wrong, you know better, but what you should do is learn to manage your relationships better without complicating things. If there are tensions with your partner, try to maintain your self-control so that things do not go to extremes and at the same time do not give your parents the right to judge you or interfere. Remember that only you can provide solutions and no one else.


With Mars square in your 6th with retrograde Saturn from your 3rd, obligations may be more intense and pressing and you may find it difficult to express your desires effectively, both in your daily life and in your workplace. Severe problems will arise because you cannot communicate honestly, you will hide things depending on what is in your favor and what is not, as a result of which relationships with employees, colleagues, siblings or relatives will be shaken. Try to manage your energy, without wasting it needlessly on malice or gossip, don’t jump to conclusions and aim for more constructive activities and of course, protect your health, being careful how you handle sharp objects and making a more healthy diet and life in general.


With the square of Mars in your 5th with retrograde Saturn from your 2nd, you will need to put the brakes on waste and debauchery, on fun and pointless gifts and in general on bold actions and risks. If you don’t you will have significant financial losses as well as a lack of self-esteem. The message you should get from this aspect is that you should re-evaluate your values, the principles you grew up with and act accordingly. If your children have run away and are over-consuming and demanding, make sure you pick up the reins, not by “I decide and order” but by finding another kind of strategy. You can do the same with your passions and try to discipline yourself, without insecurities and inhibitions.


You will feel intense and suffocating pressure with the square of Mars in your 4th with retrograde Saturn from your 1st. First of all, you will doubt yourself, you will have intense phobias, regrets and guilt as well as increased obligations, which you will find difficult to manage, as a result of which you will become irritable and nervous at the slightest thing. You will break out in the family and the home after the challenges and attitude of your parents and the family in general. The less you feel, the more anger will accumulate. You should learn to rely on yourself, manage your repulsions calmly and be honest without being mean and harsh in your criticism. Problems and tensions will arise in social contacts in general but also in your relationship with your loved one.

Source: astrology.gr

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#Zodiac #signs #Virgo #problems #and…obstacles #today #arrogance #arrogant #ego



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