Zodiac signs: Scorpio, you will offer your help wherever you can, while it is possible that you will be financially favored

Venus arrives in Libra today, in the early afternoon, creating the mood to restore harmony, balance and beauty to our relationships and environment. Politeness, politeness and above all diplomacy are elements that are considered necessary, not only to be able to survive in any space, but also to gain the best impressions.

Whatever is needed will be said in an indirect way and always accompanied by a smile and a compliment. And if elegance, social contacts and public relations are her specialty, she is considered an expert in flirting and will push us to practice it throughout her stay.

Her trine with Pluto in Aquarius, however, will awaken our deepest feelings, we will become more passionate, absolute and difficult to satisfy. What is certain is that we will look at our “interest” and our choices will be based on that and what we really need.


From today Venus will move into Libra in your 7th and in the next period you will become more cooperative and diplomatic. You will have the opportunity to start new collaborations through new acquaintances and generally a pleasant atmosphere will prevail in your interpersonal relationships. A favorable period begins for the emotional sector. You will be submissive, kind and have a strong need to share yourself, even to marry. If you are single, you will be given opportunities for new acquaintances and it is very likely that you will fall in love and start a relationship. With the trine of Venus with Pluto in your 11th today, you will feel strong attraction for someone from your friendly and social circle. You will realize that you have common desires and dreams and that this person will positively influence you in your life.


From today, Venus moves into Libra and your 6th and marks a period when you will enjoy your daily routine without surprises and carefree. In the workplace the climate will be quite good, you will be helpful, polite, diplomatic and efficient and when tensions arise you will be the one to calm the spirits. For today with the trine of Venus with Pluto in your 10th, it is one of the days when you will form a correct perception of your obligations in the field of career. You will have a calm disposition and a tendency to enjoy the fruits of your professional career through your financial earnings, while if you are alone, someone from your professional environment will awaken strong romantic feelings in you.


Starting today with Venus moving into Libra in your 5th, you will focus on having fun and having fun and expressing yourself with comfort and ease. You will be more involved with your children since your need to take care of them more will be emphasized. You will do things that please you, you will be large in your gifts and you will become more creative. Emotionally, you will go through quite a romantic and amorous period. Need for flirting, love and fun and new romantic acquaintances that won’t let you “holy”. If you are committed, you will feel in love, you will be cheerful and expressive. With the favorable trine that will form today between Venus in your 5th and Pluto in your 9th, you will manifest love, tenderness and if a new romantic acquaintance arises you will feel a fatal and irresistible attraction.


From today Venus moves into Libra in your 4th and begins a period where you will enjoy your home and your family. You will take care of your home, you will decorate it with taste and you will invite your loved ones and close people to take care of them and treat them. Your need to take care of your family will bring you closer to your partner. You will spend most hours of the day together in the house away from prying eyes, while if you are single during this period, it is very likely that a romantic acquaintance will arise through your family environment. For today, the trine of Venus with Pluto in your 8th, hides strong passions and feelings that are rather forbidden, while it is possible that you will have financial gains and profits from an inheritance, buying and selling, etc.


From today Venus moves into the sign of Libra in your 3rd and your need for communication and pleasant news that will help you escape from your everyday life will increase. Your relationships with your relatives will improve and your travels will increase. It will bring romantic acquaintances through your family or even during an excursion or a move. For today, when Venus will form a trine with Pluto from your 7th, a great love may come into your life. You will feel a strong attraction for someone from your social environment and it will be unthinkable for you to think of resisting. The relationship with your partners and your lover will be at its best.


From today Venus will be in the sign of Libra in your 2nd and a period begins where you will have opportunities to increase your income. In general, you will feel good emotionally when you can “throw” into the market for shopping and expensive purchases. You will be quite generous and the mood for good times and luxurious outings will be highlighted. “Love passes through the stomach” and you will choose places with good food to be with your loved one. However, for today, when the trine of Venus forms with Pluto in your 6th, if you are single, a new and intense relationship with someone may arise that will catalyze your daily life, while it is possible that it will bring you financial benefits either from your work, or from a public body.


The passage of Venus in your sign and in your 1st, marks a quite pleasant period, with increased sociability and a desire to beautify your appearance and image. you will easily attract the opposite sex and it will be difficult for anyone to resist you with your sweet and refined and chic presence. It is very likely that a love affair will arise, while if you are in a relationship you may decide to get married or live together. Today when Venus forms a trine with Pluto from your 5th, you may meet the love of your life, while if you are committed, you will realize the magnitude of your feelings for your partner and express them with passion and intensity your love You will have favor in the financial sector, gambling and investments.


From today, Venus will be in Libra in your 12th, with the result that in the next period you will become more compassionate and take care of someone who will need your help. In general, you will offer your help wherever you can, while it is possible that you will benefit financially from hidden sources of income. In the emotional sphere, anything illegal, hidden and dangerous will attract you like a magnet. It is possible to idealize a relationship and give it your all without this meaning that you will finally be able to find happiness. The trine of Venus with Pluto from your 4th that will form today is a favorable aspect for secret love encounters. You will be highly emotional, you will bring out passion, sexuality and addictions. If you have a sale in the works it will be quite successful and you will handle it with utmost secrecy.



From today, when Venus will move into Libra in your 10th, the conditions in your professional area will be more favorable. Your offer will be appreciated and you may get a promotion or new, more profitable proposals and valuable acquaintances may arise. You will be a calm force in the room and you will solve problems with ease. In terms of love during this period, it is possible to enter into a romantic relationship with your boss or with someone who will have prestige. If you are committed and work together, you will be quite efficient and perform well in the field. With the trine of Venus with Pluto in your 2nd today, you will have the desire and the need to improve your living and social level and why not, through a love relationship and a new passion.


Venus changes sign to be in your friendly Libra and your 9th. Your need for more knowledge and philosophy will be emphasized and it is possible to start seminars or courses that will expand your intellectual horizons. It can also be a period when you will organize a long trip abroad, which will bring you more experiences and knowledge. It is very likely that you will start a relationship with someone who is far away and the easy way of communication for you is the internet. In general, you will be attracted to cultured and educated people, while if you are committed, you will be given the opportunity to take your partner and go on a trip abroad, even more so today when Venus will form a trine with Pluto from the 1st you.


From today, Venus moves into the sign of Libra in your 8th and you will benefit financially. In general, you will benefit from your relationships with others and especially from partners and your partner. During this period, if you ask for a loan, you will get it very easily, while if you already have one, you can ask for a “haircut” or easier installments. With the trine that will form today between Venus and Pluto from your 12th, you will realize once again how deep emotional ties you have with your partner. You will have possessive moods, you can bring out jealousies and passions without creating unresolved or serious problems, on the contrary, your love will be rekindled. If you are single during this period, get ready to experience intense moments of passion and it is possible to arrange a secret love meeting.

Source: astrology.gr

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