Zodiac signs: Pisces, pleasant surprises, meetings and sudden news… await you today, but be careful because you will bring out a strange sensitivity – 2024-07-25 05:03:17

The Moon will stay until the afternoon in Pisces and its conjunction with Neptune just before it leaves will help us to focus on the big picture and not the details, use our intuition and have inspirations and creative imaginations. several sensitivities come out, but also giving, positive will, good faith and credulity.

With her transit into Aries, we’ll start revving up. We will gain more enthusiasm, self-confidence, dynamism, but also impatience to conquer what we desire. The urge is strong, that’s why we will not hesitate at all and even if we need to go on the attack and fight.


The tendency for isolation holds well with the Moon in your 12th, however your morning will have several surprises. A financial transaction can have unexpected positive developments without this meaning that you solve all your problems. You will tend to cooperate secretly in order to increase your incomes, you will be impulsive as much as necessary so that mistakes are not made. Later, with the conjunction of the Moon with Neptune, you will have an increased sensitivity to the pain of others, and you can easily become subordinate in the hands of people who want to mock and seduce you. The night the Moon moves into your sign on the 1st, you will regain your dynamism, the energy you felt had been lost, your straightforwardness and combativeness.


With the Moon in your 11th, you are in a social mood and even with its sexx with Uranus from your 1st, you will become more spontaneous and impulsive in order to realize your goals. A plan can take quite a pleasant turn, after various unexpected events and you feel like “the heavens are open”. The truth is that you will find people next to you to support your action, even from where you least expect it. With the Moon/Neptune conjunction in your 11th, you will be particularly sensitive to the issues that concern a friendly person, while it is possible that you will have delusions and a blurred image of a group of people. In the evening, however, you will have isolation tendencies because of the Moon that will pass in your 12th.


Issues related to your professional career confuse you with the Moon in your 10th in Pisces, however, with its sextile to Uranus from your 12th, after some unexpected developments you will be favored. You will become more insightful and you will better understand the background that is hidden and the movements that are made with extreme secrecy. However, with the conjunction of the Moon and Neptune, they will try to throw ashes in your eyes and confuse you more. Avoid any gossip or other scandals “like the hell out of incense” and don’t get involved. With the Moon in the evening passing into the sign of Aries, your mood will become lighter through your friendly and social interactions.


With the Moon in your 9th and forming a hexagon with Uranus from your 11th, you will be given the opportunity to escape from your everyday life, in the company of friendly people. Random meetings and appointments that were not part of your schedule, not only will not upset you but will make you happy. In fact, it is possible that the universe will conspire today in order to realize a goal of yours or a desire of yours, without you putting in much effort. With the conjunction of the Moon with Neptune, your mood will be completely fleeting, you will dream of long trips, you will be romantic and idealistic. In the evening, the Moon will move into Aries in your 10th and you will be busy with extracurricular activities and social obligations.


Unexpected developments will occur in the professional area that will positively affect you in the financial sector. With the Moon trine to your 8th with Uranus in your 10th, there is a possibility that you will either get a raise or get money in front of your boss in order to pay off debts and loans so that the interest doesn’t eat you up. Various changes in employment may still occur and you may be favored. With the Moon conjunct Neptune you will be quite intuitive, sensitive and emotional and you will dream of the ideal relationship. Don’t get carried away by your emotions or by scenarios that won’t “play out”. In the evening, the Moon will move into Aries on your 9th and you will philosophize about people and situations, seeing things from their positive and optimistic side.


With your sociability elevated, the day begins with the Moon in your 7th and forming a sextile with Uranus from your 9th. If you get busy with routine work, it is likely that you will be unbearably bored, however, fortunately for you, random meetings and unexpectedly positive developments will occur “like manna from Heaven” to prove to you that sometimes the unexpected, work their miracles. Relationships and partnerships in the foreground, but with the conjunction of the Moon with Neptune, you risk becoming addicted to mockery and you don’t know who is mocking whom. Once again you will hide the dirty, unwashed things of your relationship “under the rug”. With the Moon entering Aries on your 8th night, your passions take you away.


It is obvious that with the Moon in your 6th, your daily life is very busy in order to fulfill your obligations, however with its sexx with Uranus in your 8th, there will be pleasant surprises and breaks that will make you escape from the routine you. It is possible to receive an extraordinary bonus from a public service, or from tax, inheritance matters, which will boost your morale and your pocket. With the conjunction of the Moon with Neptune, you have wasted your energy and most likely you do not have the courage to take a step. Take care of your diet and rest. With the Moon entering Aries in your 7th, what you crave are the hours you will spend with your partner.


Today is predicted to be quite erotic and romantic with the Moon in your 5th and forming a hexagon with Uranus through your 7th. Your love mood will be high and especially if you are on vacation, get ready for lightning love, exciting moments and new love encounters and games. In the professional field, your creativity will be at its peak and you may be pleasantly surprised by a new proposal for cooperation, or it is possible that today is the day of a civil marriage or cohabitation agreement. In any case much more, with the Moon/Neptune conjunction you will idealize your partner and if you are alone, in the afternoons keep a small basket for a new acquaintance. With the entry of the Moon in the evening into Aries and your 6th, you may feel anxious and stressed.


Home issues that preoccupy you with the Moon in your 4th forming a sextile with Uranus in your 6th will be resolved in the most unpredictable and hopeless way to untie your hands. You undertake to handle all the obligations of the house while you will find help from experts, at least for practical matters and repairs. A job may even come up that requires you to work from home. In the afternoon, however, with the conjunction of the Moon with Neptune, you will have a moody mood and faces and situations from the past will affect you psychologically and emotionally. You will be quite receptive to the stimuli of your environment, sensitive and emotional. In the evening your mood will noticeably improve with the Moon having moved into Aries in your 5th.


With the Moon in your 3rd and in a sextile with Uranus through your 5th, you will be insightful, sociable, extroverted and will have an increased mood for conversations and movement. Some random meetings will make you happy, while if you are on vacation during a move, a new romantic acquaintance will arise that does not promise duration in time, but exciting moments. In general, you will come into contact with relatives and with the conjunction of the Moon with Neptune, you will have emotional moments, you will remember the old days and there will be an emotional charge. If you need to take initiatives or decisions, it is better to postpone it because you will not be objective in your judgment. With the Moon moving into Aries in your 4th, you may feel uncomfortable with people who compete with you.


With the Moon in your 2nd and forming a sextile with Uranus from your 4th, your family never ceases to pleasantly surprise you when you place your hopes in God and the universe. And while in the financial sector you operate impulsively but not necessarily incorrectly, in the afternoon hours with the Moon’s conjunction with Neptune you will make poor financial manipulations. First you will lose your things, from your credit card to your glasses, while if you go out it is good to be careful that your wallet is not lost or stolen. Later, however, when the Moon moves into Aries in your 3rd, you will want to be in everything and at the same time do your work.


The morning hours are characterized by pleasant surprises with the Moon in your 1st and forming a hexagon with Uranus from your 3rd. Pleasant meetings, movements and sudden news, overturn your schedule without encountering the slightest difficulty. However, in the afternoon hours with the Moon conjunct Neptune in your 1st, you will bring out a strange sensitivity to anything that touches you directly and you will be quite emotional, receptive and likely to become “easy prey” in the hands of cunning who will want to take advantage of you. Try not to be delusional and not to be carried away by your emotions. With the entry of the Moon in Aries at night in your 2nd, you will be caught in possessive and materialistic moods.

Source: astrology.gr

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#Zodiac #signs #Pisces #pleasant #surprises #meetings #sudden #news.. #await #today #careful #bring #strange #sensitivity



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