Zodiac signs: Aquarius, financial issues, a lot of travel but… you also have an increased mood today

With the Sun moving into Virgo, we are slowly realizing that another summer is coming to an end and it is time to start preparing for the new season. We will turn our attention to the organization of both our daily life and our life in general and we will make a rudimentary plan.

Even if we are on vacation, in the back of our minds there will be chores, to-dos, and things that need to be done when we get back. And those who are already in their post will find their normal rhythms and will start to draw up programs or launch techniques or other tasks that are necessary.


You will move with dynamism and determination today with the Moon in your sign and in your 1st. You will have extroversion but also nerves that will pass quickly as you are used to. You will be enthusiastic and will make sure to project your desires and your personality and you will be somewhat unstable and moody in your relationships. The Sun, in turn, moves into the sign of Virgo on your 6th and in the next period you will be concerned with practical issues, bureaucratic affairs, health issues and exams that you may have neglected to take as well as your work matters. Anything that makes up your daily routine will come to the fore. You will pay more attention to details and small daily issues, resulting in you getting stressed easily.


With the Moon in Aries in your 12th, you will be in a melancholy and distant mood, in order to be a little alone and get in touch with the more invisible sides of yourself. You will have tendencies to isolate and avoid reality and you will imagine various things. From today, however, with the Sun moving into your 5th from the sign of Virgo, a relatively carefree period will begin in which you will prioritize your entertainment, creative and artistic activities, and your love affairs. You will flirt, you will make new romantic acquaintances and through sex you will express yourself. You will spend more time with your children doing things together and show interest in any investments and risks, so be careful.


With the entry of the Sun into the sign of Virgo in your 4th, in the next period you will deal with the obligations you have towards your parents and your very own people whom you love and trust. You’ll reminisce, become more dependent and emotional, causing you to become overprotective and cling to them like an oyster. For today, however, when the Moon moves into the friendly sign of Aries in your 11th, you will have increased sociability and a tendency to project the dreams and goals you have for the future. If you ask for support, you will find it from people who have the right connections in the right positions, so make sure you take advantage. For the evening, the most likely thing is to arrange to be out somewhere with your company.


With the Sun moving into the sign of Virgo in your 3rd, your mood for travel, communication, transactions and deals increases. You will be more outgoing and express your opinions and desires with ease. If there have been misunderstandings and problems in your relationships with your siblings and relatives, the next period is suitable for smoothing them out, while in general many of the things that make up your everyday life, you will see them more seriously. For today, however, when the Moon will pass into Aries and your 10th, you will focus on everything that gives you prestige, on your professional plans and on highlighting your abilities in order for them to realize that the position you are in rightfully belongs to you. Good social behavior, diplomacy and popularity.


From today the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo in your 2nd and in the next period you will become possessive and dependent both on material goods and on the people you have close to you and consider your property. More expenses will arise because of your consumption frenzy but also because you will want to give yourself luxurious entertainment moments. For today, when the Moon will pass into the friendly sign of Aries for you and your 9th, you will be in quite a good mood, you will take several initiatives, especially if it comes to movements and activities that are not related to your daily routine. You will philosophize about people and situations, you will have an exploratory tendency and a need for new experiences. An ideal day to start your vacation or to go on a long trip.


Your interpersonal relationships will go through many phases, however in the coming days which is your birthday month with the Sun today moving into your sign and your 1st, you will shine with your presence even if you need to change your appearance you. A period when you will deal with your personal desires and needs, setting aside the rest. You will be sociable, extroverted and will easily attract the eyes and attention of others. For today, however, when the Moon will pass into the sign of Aries on your 8th, it is possible that you will be preoccupied with financial matters and that you will be stressed about any debts, loans and debts that need to be covered. In the love field, take care not to be suspicious by making various scenarios.


With the entry of the Sun into Virgo in your 12th, in the immediate future, you will want to withdraw from the crowd and socializing. You will become more secretive, intuitive, sensitive and receptive to the external stimuli of your environment. You may have to take care of someone who will need you while it is possible that you may have low vitality. you will try to analyze and rationalize the dark parts of your soul and maybe deal with metaphysical issues. For today, however, when the Moon will move into your 7th and into the sign of Aries, your attention will be focused entirely on the needs and desires of your partner. You will seek to spend time with him/her and show understanding to any vagaries he/she may have.


From today, the Sun moves into the friendly sign of Virgo on your 11th and begins a period when you will want to be with people who share common interests and perceptions. You will become more sociable and want to take part in collective activities. You will create a new circle of acquaintances with people who will support you in the future, since it is a time when you will want to set new goals and plans. For today, however, when the Moon will move into Aries on your 8th, you will make sure to deal with pending matters and obligations that have been left behind due to the holidays. In your workplace, you will be diplomatic, polite and helpful, while it is not excluded that you will deal with its cleanliness and tidying up in order to put everything in order.


With the Sun moving into Virgo in your 10th, you will give importance to your self-promotion, the development and promotion of your career. You will be given opportunities for new collaboration proposals as well as important acquaintances. Your relationship with high-ranking persons will be at its best, as long as you show moderation, prudence and, of course, hard work. You will become more sociable and avoid giving fodder for mean comments. However, for today when the Moon will be in your 5th from the sign of Aries, your plans will be related to your fun and entertainment and especially to love and flirting. You will be sociable, pleasant, bold, playful and behave with the naivety and selfishness of a small child.


The Sun from the sign of Virgo in your 9th, in the next period, will bring you an optimistic mood, a need for new experiences and adventures and the desire to deal with many and different things. You may attend new courses and seminars, want to gain experience and knowledge through a trip abroad and, in general, broaden your intellectual horizons by getting to know other civilizations and cultures. You will become more sociable and with your knowledge you will impress your interlocutors. For today, however, when the Moon will pass into the sign of Aries on your 4th, you will need to relax at home in the company of some of your very own people. You will be sensitive, moody and brooding.


From today and for the next period, the Sun through the sign of Virgo in your 8th, will shed light on the most inner and hidden side of yourself, as a result of which you will bring to the surface feelings from which you want to be freed. If there are issues related to your sex life you will deal with them, while another area that will concern you is the financial and the money that comes into your pocket through others. So you are likely to deal with inheritance cases, allowances, compensations, etc. For today, however, when the Moon moves into your friendly Aries in your 3rd, you will have an increased desire to talk and meet people. A lot of movement in order to arrange your daily chores and a tendency to gossip.


The passage of the Sun in the sign of Virgo in your 7th will bring your relationships to the fore and all their positives and negatives will come to the surface, either to correct them or even to eliminate them. Your sociability will increase, you will make new acquaintances and you will cultivate unity, camaraderie and the spirit of cooperation. You will become more tolerant and show understanding towards the potentially selfish behaviors of your partners. With the Moon moving into Aries in your 8th today, you will take initiatives to put your finances in order, although you will find it difficult to tame your consumerism, resulting in instability and, by extension, material and emotional insecurity.

Source: astrology.gr

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