Zia Mohiuddin by Mushtaq Ahmed Yousafi

I was silent on the death of Zia Mohiuddin. What should be said, what should be written, a lazy writer like me could not find the words worthy of them.

Bhai Mubasher Zaidi shared a few pages of Duniyazad issue 37 on his Facebook group, which also contained this article.

Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi writes, If the subject is Zia Sahib, then what remains after that?

Decided that there is nothing better than this which can be read as a humble tribute to Zia Sahib and Yousufi Sahib himself.

The next step was to pick the quotes. Read, listen and tell me how red-handed it is.

Zia Muhyiddin and the word of mouth
Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi (quotes)

For a few years now, Zia Muhyiddin has been reading extracts from various works every year and receiving a lot of praise. They also carry the gifts of the beloved homeland. Alhamdulillah, now this heartwarming event has become an annual celebration. It is heard that his cassettes of reading (reading and recitation come to mind. Yes, say loud reading or literacy) sell more than our books that contain excerpts. His mention and recognition became obligatory because they continue to bless this humble person. After hearing a quote from Zargasht, our friend Mirza Abdul Wadud Beg patted us on the back and said that Allah Zia Mohiuddin put his life into writing.

After thanking him for the compliment, something else occurred to us, so we said: ‘But Mirza! Life is put into the dead.’

Said ‘and what? This is what Zia Mohiuddin has done. The lifeless speaks in the hands of the Messiah.’

This is true as far as we are concerned, but the poems he has read from the works of Ratnath Sarsar, Chaudhry Muhammad Ali Radulvi, Faiz, N.M. Rashid and Patras are examples of the writer’s perfect art. And the speaker’s choice of speech, understanding of speech, ability to understand and explain the point, the mood of the word and the ability to recognize the tone and tone of the tone are true proofs.

He not only pays attention to the texture and structure of the sentence, but is also well aware of the structure and shape of the word. The range of his voice and style of expression is very wide. Not only are they aware of the different levels and nuances of bitterness, tartness and sweetness, but also know how to add their own accent flavor to them. Like a successful and renowned actor, the character’s language becomes his language and every accent becomes his own accent. All faces are my faces, each tone is my tone.

The way in which Faiz Sahib’s poems were recited by Zia Mohiuddin is not only a proof of his devotion but also of his eloquence and eloquence, which has been saved in the form of a cassette by EMI. There was such charm in Faiz Sahib’s personality and such sincerity and sincerity in his tone, and we became so familiar with him that he did not even realize that he recited his poems as if they were the words of a mortal enemy. be

Another thing is that he did not consider anyone as his enemy. After two or three words, he would let out a sigh and create a delicious sakta in his speech. There were cigarettes. If he is not available, he would use the words in such a way that the listeners would be dumbfounded.

This section contains related reference points (Related Nodes field).

A few years ago, in the same hall, I said, “If this is not the miracle of Faiz’s words, then what else is it that despite his best efforts to read his words by distorting them, his fans liked this style in such a way that in the end this is what he said.” The quality remained. His unkempt style became a fashion. Faiz Sahib was a ‘chain smoker’.

‘I mean not only cigarettes, but also carpets. The breath of the stanza and the phrase would be broken, a painful sob would be heard from time to time, and the love of the listeners would dissolve sweetness in the silence of the speech. Someone said Azrah Tafnan that Faiz Sahib actually invented this style of reading literally to make his copycats worse.

The tradition of reading prose is not very old in our country. We cannot count storytelling as reading and literacy. The most famous storyteller, Mir Baqir Ali used to tell stories by eating opium. We also read the text of one of his stories, which was compiled by one of his admirers, and came to the conclusion that the teacher used opium illegally. Opium should have been eaten by the listeners.

Now the practice of reading prose has two defects. First, everyone, like me, only reads their own prose. Secondly, adhere to the style of reading in monotone from beginning to end. A fair-minded audience cannot decide whether the narrator is worse at writing or worse at reading.

‘Of course few Sahib-style prose writers avoid monotony. But they are so enamored of their style that they sway on every phrase and pronounce each word as if they are throwing a tarp leaf. There is only one flaw in Zia Mohiuddin’s highly effective style of prose reading and the high standard of poetry he has set. That is, anyone who tried to read like them in impersonation would be killed. This melody and embellishment, and this instrument adorns them.

There is the blood of the musician flowing in the veins

‘He pays special attention to soundness of language, correctness of tone and pronunciation and delivery of key phrases and it is the perfection of his art that he does not let his listeners and viewers realize it. They pass this destination easily. Otherwise, we have also seen those who, in conversation, use such words with a transcendental pronunciation, that when hearing them, lowly people like us thank God that we stopped ourselves from becoming scholars.

We are referring to those gentlemen who prove their familiarity with foreign origin and origin of words by saying Jidujood, Warasa, Zaidati, Shinakht, Musim, Samat in every third sentence. They do not mix in the thick condensed milk of Persians. Apart from water, even native sugar is not tolerated.

‘Most of the time they drink milk with their mouths from the teat and beat us like that. We even heard a broadcaster calling love as love. He used to call his subordinates in the same way. We believe that if someone does something by calling love as love, then he is doing something else, not cruel love.

Zia Mohiuddin is not only aware of the importance of bringing the special thing to the common man, but also of its value. Understanding others is much more difficult than understanding yourself. The initiative he has taken to pave the way for literary works is worthy of praise.

He has creative power over the stages that have to be passed through in this process and the form and soul that has to be filled in order to get the word to the heart.

It is also necessary to give a speech to those who have meaning
There are also spectators in Bism

“As a humble admirer and keen spectator of his, and on behalf of all of you, I am grateful to him that today he has given us a glimpse of an art that not only makes Hussain more beautiful but also at times simple.” Shows by filling. That art and that artist is worthy of respect and admiration

Give the simple letter the color of wonder.’

#Zia #Mohiuddin #Mushtaq #Ahmed #Yousafi
2024-08-16 22:28:43



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