Zhu Guoxian investigated and supervised the prevention and control of rural epidemics in Yueyang and Xiangyin-Huasheng Online

Zhu Guoxian investigated and supervised the prevention and control of rural epidemics in Xiangyin, Yueyang

Do a solid job in rural epidemic prevention and control

Guarantee the safety and health of the masses

Huasheng Online, December 30th (all-media reporter Liu Xiaoxue) On the 30th, Zhu Guoxian, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, came to Xiangyin County, Yueyang City to investigate and supervise the prevention and control of rural epidemics, and to visit and condolences to front-line staff. He emphasized that all parts of the province must thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on epidemic prevention and control, maintain a sense of responsibility of “always rest assured”, and regard the prevention and control of rural epidemics as the most important and urgent work of “three rural areas” We will do our best to ensure the safety and health of the people.

(On December 30, Zhu Guoxian, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, investigated and supervised the rural epidemic prevention and control work in Xiangyin County, Yueyang City. The picture shows Zhu Guoxian inspecting the Xinhe Village Health Center of Helonghu Town.)

Zhu Guoxian walked into the Helonghu Town Central Health Center to inspect the setting of clinics, drug security, and health services. He said that it is necessary to give full play to the role of fever clinics, unblock medical referral channels, strengthen family doctor contract services, and do a good job in health management of key populations. In Xinhe Village, Zhu Guoxian inspected the operation of the village clinic and the implementation of activities to reduce gatherings in rural areas, and urged the local area to strengthen publicity and guidance for those returning home during the New Year’s Day and Spring Festival, and strive to minimize the impact of the epidemic.

(The scene of the research forum. The above photos were taken by Liu Xiaoxue, an all-media reporter from Huasheng Online)

At the symposium, Zhu Guoxian listened to relevant reports. He emphasized that all parts of the province must accurately grasp the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the central government, and shift the focus of work from infection prevention to health care and severe disease prevention in accordance with the work requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, so as to prepare for the peak of the epidemic situation in rural areas. There is a battle of preparation. We must pay close attention to key groups and key links, do a good job in the key work of epidemic prevention and control in rural areas, and do our best to reduce the rate of severe illness and death. Effectively guarantee the supply of anti-epidemic materials, support pharmaceutical companies to speed up the production of anti-epidemic drugs at full capacity, strengthen the supply of drugs for special groups, and strengthen the supervision of the anti-epidemic material market; accelerate the vaccination of rural people, especially the elderly, and do a good job in health monitoring and services for key groups; Medical and health institutions work together to coordinate urban and rural medical resources; grasp the correct orientation, strengthen publicity and guidance, and guide rural residents in scientific protection and safe medication; adhere to both epidemic prevention and control and agricultural production, and do a good job of ensuring stable production and supply of the “vegetable basket” and winter and spring crops. Field management, construction of high-standard farmland and farmland water conservancy facilities, prevention and control of animal diseases, etc., and early planning for spring plowing next year. It is necessary to adhere to the “five-level secretaries” in the prevention and control of rural epidemics, and give full play to the leading role of the party committee’s rural work leading group and the role of grassroots party organizations in fighting fortresses, so as to form a strong joint force of joint management.

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