Zhengmei Tian’s engagement photo “Tragic Bathing Club Technician” is believed by the rumour maker to be just a joke: netizens are too easy to booze | International | CTWANT

A mainland Chinese woman posted an engagement photo and was maliciously smeared by netizens as a female employee of a bathing club. (Picture / Retrieved from Luwang)

In recent years, the problem of rumors on the Internet has become serious, and even ordinary bosses have become victims of verbal bullying by netizens. Recently, a woman surnamed Yu in Hefei, Anhui, mainland China posted her engagement photos on her personal Douyin platform. Inexplicably, it was rumored by unknown netizens that she was “the No. 8 technician of a bathing club”. The rumors spread so much that she and her fiance called the police on the 18th of this month, and issued a statement and proof of her financial work to refute the rumors.

According to comprehensive Lu media reports, on the 17th of this month, Hefei Yu Nv posted her engagement photo on the social platform. In the photo, she interacted sweetly with her fiancé, and also attached a short text that said, “We are engaged! In the name of love, for the rest of your life. ”, but for the simple act of showing happiness, Yu Nv was accused by strange netizens as the No. 8 technician of a certain bathing club, and then more netizens coaxed, “People from other places may not know, but local people in Hefei know No. 8”, “This is true It’s No. 8”, and then some people began to claim that Yu Nv would grind her teeth in bed and other false rumors.

Yu Nu posted an engagement photo on the Douyin platform.  (Picture / Retrieved from Luwang)
Yu Nu posted an engagement photo on the Douyin platform. (Picture / Retrieved from Luwang)

Yu’s fiancé said that the two had no idea where the rumors originally came from, but they sent a private message to one of the rumor-mongers. , and finally delete the message. Even so, there are more and more people who spread rumors in the follow-up. Yu Nu and her fiancé had no choice but to call the police on the 18th and provide the police with several netizen accounts with malicious comments.

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A large number of netizens continue to spread rumors.  (Picture / Retrieved from Weibo)
A large number of netizens continue to spread rumors. (Picture / Retrieved from Weibo)

Yu Nu was also angry and issued a public statement on the evening of the 18th, saying that the incident had had a serious impact on her spirit and life, and she had saved screenshots of netizens’ remarks who had personally attacked and insulted her, and handed them over to the police for handling; at the same time, she He also attached his own police report handling records, as well as relevant evidence of his company’s financial work.

But the matter is not over yet. On the 20th of this month, Yu Nv said that even though she has issued a statement, there are still private messages from strange netizens asking her whether she is No. 8 or not, and she even searched for her background, asking her family and colleagues to ask her. Seeing this, she is also quite worried, so she must take a leave of absence to concentrate on this matter. The Hefei Municipal Public Security Bureau Network Security Detachment stated that it is currently investigating.

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