Zhao Tianyu responded to Yu Zheng’s debt collection and the exposure of his relationship, saying “I will pay attention in the future”.

Original title: Zhao Tianyu responded by saying “I will pay attention in the future” when Yu Zheng’s debt collection and love affair were exposed.

Sohu Entertainment News In the early morning of the 4th, it was revealed that Yu Zheng’s debt collection and romance were exposed. Zhao Tianyu responded with a post: “Because of personal reasons or not doing things properly, I have caused trouble for people who care regarding me, and I will pay more attention in the future.”

On September 3, Yu Zheng posted on Weibo that the air flow had been paid back, and also posted the chat records of the two. According to the information in the chat records of the two, netizens suspected that the air flow had been repaid, and Yu Zheng was also there. The comment area replied to netizens, the real hammer is Zhao Tianyu.

Zhao Tianyu, in 2017, participated in “The Son of Tomorrow” and won the third place in the national finals, thus officially entering the showbiz.

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posted on:Beijing



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