Zhao Lusi was revealed to be playing big names!The assistant helped take off shoes and put on socks, the video went viral and was scolded

Zhao Lusi was revealed to be playing big names!The assistant helped take off shoes and put on socks, the video went viral and was scolded

Mainland actor Zhao Lusi became popular because of her performance in “The Rumored Chen Qianqian”. With her cute and sweet appearance, she has received the favor of many fans, but there may be a lot of popularity. Recently, it was reported that an assistant helped him take off his shoes and put on socks The video caused many netizens to criticize her for playing big names.

In the video taken by the mainland paparazzi, Zhao Lusi was seen happily teasing the dog in a chair with her coat on, while the assistant squatted on the ground to take off her shoes and put on her socks. Seeing this, the paparazzi scolded directly in the video: “Is this really treating the assistant as a maid? I only care about enjoying there and teasing the dog. It’s only been a few years since I became popular? Why is the show so big?” There have been discussions among many netizens, but some paparazzi feel that this is not as friendly as Zhao Lusi.

Earlier, some people in the industry commented on Zhao Lusi, saying that investors are very willing to spend money to sponsor her dramas. The main reason is that she looks very friendly and does not look like a face with plastic surgery. praise.

The editor thinks it will only be a part of the picture. In fact, there may be some parts that we can’t see. Don’t make random guesses, but Zhao Lusi looks really super harmless.

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[Extended reading]:The traffic is small and the flower is broken? ! Zhao Lusi took the stage to accept the award, and smiled…the flesh around her mouth and double chin overflowed? Netizens are all scared!

Source: Weibo @赵露思的微博, entertainment madman

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