“Zero tolerance” for military coups in Africa: This African Union makes the world laugh

The African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Photo: DR

“Courage consists in choosing the lesser evil, however dreadful it may still be”. In La Chartreuse de Parme, STENDHAL teaches us that there are absolutely necessary difficult choices that men make in the twists and turns of history for a possible transcendence over the tortures that crush them, guillotine them in the black silence of indifference. others.

Men are not things. The psychology of man, his mind cannot resist suffering and deprivation indefinitely. The overflow of accumulation of humiliation, slavery, dispossession of freedom ends up clearing a way of expression, because grief has the ingenious power to skip any censorship for a sanitary oxygenation of men and Peoples.

What STENDHAL calls “the lesser evil” is the last resort, a necessary evil that opens an emergency exit, a new horizon in the name of self-defense. The human survival reflex is explained by our strongest instinct: the instinct of self-preservation.

When the potentates martyr their own people in the tropics, when they change the constitutions of their countries and organize electoral fraud with the menu of wild repression, assassinations, mass crimes, the crime syndicate to which they belong is silent, despises the demands of the popular masses.

Have the peoples of Africa gone mad to endorse the recurring crimes of leaders who have the weakness to believe only in force?

What value does the African Union have in terms of protecting peoples and what exemplary action can it pride itself on in assisting peoples in distress?

1) The Messy, Torturing Powers and the Law of Silence of the African Union

The African Union ignites a black revolt once morest legitimacy, popular power, civic duty once morest imposture. In Addis Ababa, last week, the major economic, social, security and political issues of the continent did not experience urgent group commitments from heads of state, who are more concerned regarding their survival in power than salutary acts. to respond to the popular demands of Africans such as drinking water, decent food, quality health care, the right to justice, to security for all, the right to free expression, to opinion, to the truth of the polls…

When an African regime exhibits itself in savage repression, in mass crimes, in killings, in constitutional transgressions, in administrative delinquency that endangers peoples, what should we expect from citizen action? ?

It is the endorsement of the African Union, tacit or open, to unsuitable, criminal regimes that frees the internal forces of resistance and defense of the homeland to bring down the leaders who torture people. The soldiers who are of great discernment choose only the general will to accompany the popular expression.

All countries, all communities are governed by laws and principles. We must be clear and say that in the absence of laws and principles which are not observed at all, particular situations formulate in themselves specific responses carried by popular assent. The emptiness of laws and principles from which certain heads of state in Africa allow themselves is compensated by an ethics of response which emanates from the popular will for an order to save the homeland in danger.

No intelligent man, no lucid and responsible people, aware of the degeneration of their living conditions, remains inert. In the dungeon of despair, it is not the principles and rights that count. It is rather the emergency exit to create a new horizon, to arouse new perspectives. It is the main force of creativity in the cauldron of resistance. The sanctions, whatever they are, never shake the peoples, united in self-defense.

There are African countries which leave the African Union of their own free will, its legal and security bodies for years for political incompatibility, such as Morocco and the Ivory Coast, for example. They do not perish from self-imposed ostracism.

The world is wide open. Everywhere, it is easy to make friends, to share common interests, to recreate an order of exchanges, to discover other solidarities.

How does Mahamat DEBY’s Chad deserve a blessed place in the African Union at its meeting as opposed to Assimi GOÏTA, Ibrahim TRAORE, Mamadou DOUMBOUYIA? Foolishness is on the forehead of the bull who deludes himself, head down, that in his rage, he can overturn everything, change something in the course of history.

Specialists in electoral and constitutional coups d’etat, mass killings have fear in their stomachs and do not support the watchdogs of the peoples of Africa. They can erect skyscrapers of sanctions with some inclination to discourage the expression of self-defense, but they will never succeed. The revolt of peoples to defend their dignity, their freedom, their rights is a holy and essential act for their emancipation, their progress, the construction of collective hope and the pursuit of their dreams. In this perspective, we must salute the luminous thought of Romain ROLAND, in Le Quatorze Juillet: “When order is injustice, disorder is the beginning of justice”.

2) Who can save the African Union?

The antics of the leaders of Africa which consist in roughly reproducing the scheme of the European Union by emptying it of the values ​​which bring the continent together is the worst stupidity in which the continental body has dramatically sunk to lose face. There is no measure, no provision of coercion so that the leaders respect the institution, its principles, the values ​​of its objectives, the organs which emanate from the institution such as the African Court for the Defense of Human Rights. Man and Peoples, the African Charter on Human Rights.

Unnecessarily high-sounding and mortally expensive summits for the African taxpayer never preserve the interests of the populations of the continent, but the means of survival of princes without influence and invisible on essential issues such as respect for the human person, citizens, their choices. , their claims and national resources .

The rulings and judgments of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights receive only the contempt of the leaders of the continent to the point that one still wonders what holds the peoples of the continent to lend some confidence to the Union African. The artifice represented by this tool of visibility of Heads of State jeopardizes the security of our populations and the foundations of the formation of this continental body.

The political delinquency which consists in tampering with the constitution of our countries, in perpetuating itself in power through mass crimes, killings does not in any way provoke a tremor of reflex from the African Union to dissociate itself from the stuntmen and the savage rapes of the texts fundamentals of our countries.

The African Union observers in the field of popular consultations only have an exhibitionist status in the eyes of our fellow citizens. They guarantee absolutely nothing of the electoral transparency, the reliability and the truth of the polls.

Those who seized power through armed rebellion, through civil war, through elections on a river of blood and who refuse to leave power by modifying the constitution of their countries at will, make the African Union their thing, their megaphone; they are decision makers with a greenhouse grip on the continental body.

What credibility can Sassou N’GUESSO, Alassane OUATTARA and so many others give to the African Union? The decision of the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights in the Guillaume SORO case is not legally challenged by appeal or legal arguments by OUATTARA. He offers himself the nerve to reject it, to refuse to execute it and he takes Côte d’Ivoire out of this legal body of the Union without the Heads of State finding fault.

The failures of notoriety of the African Union come from those who animate it in folklore and inertia. The violators of the values ​​of the Union, the falsely elected, the ill-elected, the leaders of rebellion, the organizers of civil war, the torturers of all kinds, the usurpers without faith or law have a free hand to get on the protocol podium of the summits of the African Union.

As long as values ​​are lost in the circle of the leaders of Africa, the resumption in hand of the destiny of this continent by the peoples themselves seems to us normal, even apodidic, that is to say, absolutely necessary. If the peoples can be supported by enlightened and patriotic soldiers for a new era of governance in Africa, our assent can only be strong, direct. We have a great thirst for freedom, justice, development. Those who lie to Africa, those who do not respect our peoples and who are mad regarding power will find another Africa before them, because the firm will of the peoples escapes the grip of tyrants.

Didier Dosavi

Source: L’Alternative / presse-alternative.info



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