Zero Hunger: INAN accompanies the school feeding program in Paraguay with nutritional and strategic plans

Asunción, IP Agency.- The National Institute of Food and Nutrition, the governing technical institution in food and nutrition of the Ministry of Public Health, has supported the School Feeding Program of Paraguay from the beginning. Likewise, it supports the Ministry of Education and Sciences in the preparation of menus for school lunch and dinner, based on the Food Guides of Paraguay and the implementation of the Nutritional Food Surveillance System (SISVAN).

Through the Zero Hunger program, INAN is present in selected educational institutions in the 90 districts prioritized by the National Government, in the 17 departments and capital of the country, reports the health portfolio.

In this framework, he presented to the Ministry of Social Development the guidelines that contain the guidelines on food and nutrition, quality and safety of the foods to be served to students.

Likewise, the requirements that establishments providing breakfast, lunch, snack and school dinner must meet, in relation to the technical, nutritional guidelines and administrative procedures, for the implementation of the Paraguayan School Feeding Plan, in officially managed educational institutions and subsidized private.

The menus of the Zero Hunger Program are based on the Food Guides of Paraguay and were prepared jointly with the Ministries of Public Health and Social Welfare, Agriculture and Livestock, Education and Science, other State institutions, universities, scientific societies, non-governmental organizations, private entities and cooperating agencies.

In addition, the institution implements the Nutritional Food Surveillance System, a system that provides current and timely information on the nutritional food situation of the population, focused on certain groups such as schoolchildren and adolescents.

In April 2024, Law No. 7,264 was enacted “which equitably universalizes Zero Hunger school feeding in our schools and educational system, and modifies and expands Law No. 5,210/2014 on School Feeding and Sanitary Control and its subsequent modifications, passing the rectory to the Ministry of Social Development.

Through Decree No. 1,584/2024 by which Law No. 7,264/2024 “Zero Hunger in our schools and educational system” was regulated, in one of its articles it proposes to CONAE the incorporation within the Zero Hunger Program, the guidelines on food and nutrition, quality and safety defined by the INAN and the food and nutritional education guidelines defined by the MEC, reports the Ministry of Public Health.

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2024-09-28 21:13:28



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