Zelensky’s “Russian Most Horrible Crimes” Speech at Security Council… accusation of massacre of civilians

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denounces the massacre of civilians by Russian troops in a televised video televised speech to the UN Security Council on Wednesday. Kiiwu = AP Yonhap News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has condemned the massacre of civilians by the Russian military, calling it “the most horrific war crime committed in Ukraine since World War II” at the UN Security Council.

According to foreign media such as Archyde.com and AFP on the 5th (local time), President Zelensky reported to the Security Council meeting on the same day in a video televised speech on the genocide in the secondary region of Ukraine, where the Russian military is said to have killed at least 300 civilians. said. “We demand responsibility for Russia’s war crimes,” he added. It demanded the same procedure as the Nuremberg Trial, which judged Nazi war criminals after World War II.

“People were killed in their apartments and houses and were hit by tanks in vehicles parked on the side of the road,” he said. “Russian soldiers killed women, children and families and tried to burn their bodies,” he said. As such, he specifically listed the atrocities of the Russian military, including murder, torture, and sexual assault.

President Zelensky called on the United Nations to “act immediately”, saying Russia “wants to turn Ukraine into a silent slave”. At the same time, he demanded reform of the Security Council system, in which Russia has the veto power as a permanent member of the Council. Earlier, the United States and Western countries joined the sanctions against Russia and pushed for a resolution at the UN level, but were frustrated by Russia and China’s exercise of their veto power.

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When his video speech was over, the ambassadors from each country seated in the conference hall responded with applause. Russia’s special envoy also attended the UN Security Council meeting that day, AFP reported.

Kim Cheong-hwan reporter

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