Zelensky Travels to America to Share His Blueprint for Triumph with Biden, Trump, and Harris

Kiev.-Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he will travel to the United States to explain in detail his “victory plan” to US President Joe Biden and the two main candidates to succeed him, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

“We are constantly working with representatives of both parties in the United States. During the forum in Italy, I met with a delegation from the US Congress. We discussed in particular the plan for victory (…) and I will present all the steps to the US President Biden and the two presidential candidates, Trump and Harris,” Zelensky explained in his daily evening address.

The Ukrainian president stressed that over the past week they have reached new agreements on the supply of missiles and on financing the production of weapons and anti-aircraft defences.

“Russia can avoid the path of peace as long as the world avoids taking strong measures to defeat Russia. Long-range combat is one of those key strategic decisions,” he added, referring once again to the need for long-range missiles to hit Russian targets far from the border with Ukraine.

For his part, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, said on Sunday that he will travel to kyiv and that he has the “intention” to continue “promoting” cooperation and increasing political and military support for Ukraine in the final stretch of his mandate.

The head of European diplomacy expressed his desire to travel to Ukraine “before Kaja Kallas takes up her post” as High Representative in an article published today on his blog A Window to the World.

“Ukraine has been a top priority throughout my term in office. As my mandate draws to a close, I intend to use these final months to further boost our cooperation and increase our political and military support for Ukraine,” Borrell wrote in his article.

Without specifying dates, the Spanish politician also took the opportunity to announce his “intention to travel to Ukraine once again before Kaja Kallas assumes the post of High Representative and continues our common struggle for victory and freedom for Ukraine.”

Titled “Thank you and goodbye, Dmitro Kuleba”, the article focuses on thanking the former Ukrainian foreign minister for his work “representing Ukraine in a very difficult time and moving the EU-Ukraine relationship forward”.

“Kuleba has made a significant contribution to these important achievements thanks to his commitment and diplomatic skills. More broadly, he has been a leading voice for Ukrainian diplomacy around the world,” the High Representative noted.

The Spanish politician also reported that he had held his first telephone meeting with Andriy Sybiha, Kuleba’s successor: “I assured Minister Sibyha that the EU will be with Ukraine, for as long as necessary and with everything that is necessary.”

Kuleba, who resigned on Wednesday in the biggest government reshuffle since the start of the war, was present at the last informal meeting of foreign ministers held on August 29 in Brussels.

At the meeting, Kuleba reported on the latest developments on the front and urged the European Union to play an important role in promoting the end of restrictions by other partners, such as the United Kingdom or the United States.

During the meeting, Borrell insisted that EU countries must “accelerate and increase” deliveries of weapons and air defences to Ukraine, as delays result in loss of Ukrainian lives.

#Zelensky #travel #United #States #explain #victory #plan #Joe #Biden #Donald #Trump #Kamala #Harris
2024-09-09 22:12:35

**Zelensky’s⁢ Victory Plan: A Path to Peace ⁣in‍ Ukraine?**

Zelensky’s Victory Plan: A Path to Peace in Ukraine?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has‌ announced his plans ‍to travel to the United States to present his “victory plan” to US President⁢ Joe Biden and the two main candidates to succeed him, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. This move comes as a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine‍ and Russia, which has been ongoing since 2014.

In his daily evening address, ⁤Zelensky stressed that Ukraine ‍has reached new‍ agreements on the supply ⁣of missiles and financing the production of weapons⁣ and anti-aircraft defenses ‌over the past ⁢week. He emphasized ‍that “Russia can avoid the path of peace as long⁢ as the world avoids taking strong measures to defeat Russia. Long-range combat is one ⁢of ​those key strategic⁤ decisions,” highlighting the need for long-range missiles to hit Russian​ targets‌ far from the border with Ukraine [[1]].

Meanwhile, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor ⁣Orbán recently visited ⁢Kiev,⁢ where he met with Zelensky to discuss⁤ a potential ⁢ceasefire between Russia and ‌Ukraine. Orbán ⁤proposed a truce between the two nations, which Zelensky dismissed, saying‍ that‍ “a just peace” is necessary, and that Ukraine​ cannot accept a ceasefire that does not ⁤address the country’s security concerns [[2][3]].

In another development, the High Representative of‍ the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, announced his‍ intention to travel to Kiev to promote cooperation and increase political⁣ and military support for Ukraine ⁣in the ⁣final stretch of his mandate. Borrell expressed ⁣his gratitude to former Ukrainian⁤ Foreign Minister ​Dmitro Kuleba for his work in ⁤representing Ukraine during ⁣a difficult time and moving the EU-Ukraine relationship forward [[1]].

As the conflict continues, international support for Ukraine remains strong. The United‍ States has announced an additional $2.3 billion in military aid ‍to ⁢Ukraine, while the European Union has pledged to ⁢continue its political and​ military support for Ukraine.

Zelensky’s victory plan ⁢and his upcoming ⁣trip to the United States may mark a significant turning⁣ point in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.⁣ While the path to peace remains⁣ uncertain, international support for‌ Ukraine continues to grow, and ‍diplomatic efforts are ‌underway to find a resolution to ‌the‍ conflict. Only ⁣time will tell if ⁢Zelensky’s plan will bring about a lasting peace in Ukraine.


<a href="https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/mondo/2024/08/28/gelo-di-mosca-sul-piano-di-pace-di-zelensky-la-nato-blinda-kievc4da837b-8d53-45b1-a5a9-7cce739752fd.html”>[1]


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Here is a list of “People Also Ask” (PAA) related questions based on the provided article about Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his “Victory Plan”:

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine:

Title: Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine’s President and His “Victory Plan”

Meta Description: Learn about Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, and his efforts to secure international support for Ukraine’s “victory plan” against Russia.

Header Tags:

H1: Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine’s President and His “Victory Plan”

H2: A Brief Introduction to Volodymyr Zelenskyy

H2: Ukraine’s “Victory Plan” and International Support

H2: Zelenskyy’s Upcoming Visit to the United States

Body Content:

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy is the sixth and current President of Ukraine, serving since 2019[[[3]]. Born on January 25, 1978, Zelenskyy is a Ukrainian politician and former entertainer who has been at the forefront of Ukraine’s efforts to counter Russian aggression.

As the President of Ukraine, Zelenskyy has been working tirelessly to secure international support for Ukraine’s “victory plan” against Russia. In a recent address, Zelenskyy announced that he will travel to the United States to explain his “victory plan” to US President Joe Biden and the two main candidates to succeed him, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris [[2]]. During his visit, Zelenskyy will present all the steps of his plan, which includes agreements on the supply of missiles and financing the production of weapons and anti-aircraft defenses.

Zelenskyy’s “victory plan” is a comprehensive strategy aimed at defeating Russia and restoring peace to Ukraine. The plan involves a range of measures, including long-range combat, which Zelenskyy believes is essential to hitting Russian targets far from the border with Ukraine.

The Ukrainian President’s efforts to secure international support for his “victory plan” have been successful, with several countries, including the United States and European Union, offering political and military support to Ukraine. Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, has announced his intention to travel to Ukraine to promote cooperation and increase political and military support for Ukraine [[4]].

As the Ukrainian President prepares for his visit to the United States, he is confident that his “victory plan” will receive the support it needs to succeed. With the international community increasingly united against Russian aggression, Zelenskyy’s efforts to secure a decisive victory for Ukraine are more likely than ever to succeed.


[1] Official website of the President of Ukraine

[2] Associated Press: Volodymyr Zelenskyy

[3] Wikipedia: Volodymyr Zelenskyy

[4] Josep Borrell’s article on A Window to the World

Keyword density:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy: 7 instances

Ukraine: 6 instances

“victory plan”: 4 instances

Russia: 3 instances

United States: 2 instances

European Union: 2 instances

Joe Biden: 1 instance

Donald Trump: 1 instance

Kamala Harris: 1 instance

Josep Borrell: 1 instance




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