Zelensky: Russian forces have turned Donbass into a “hell”

Zelensky: “The Russian forces are intensifying their pressure in the Donbass region, which has turned it into a “hell”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced Friday that Russian forces are intensifying pressure in the Donbass region, which has turned it into a “hell”, considering on the other hand that the huge aid that Washington announced to provide to Kiev constitutes an investment in the security of the West.

On Thursday, the US Congress approved a huge aid package for Ukraine worth forty billion dollars to support the military efforts of Ukraine in the face of Russia, at a time when the G7 finance ministers began discussing the amounts that each country could spend to support Kyiv.

“For our partners, it’s not just spending or donation,” Zelensky said in a video message Thursday night. “This is their contribution to their security, because protecting Ukraine means protecting them against new wars and crises that Russia may cause,” he added.

The new US aid package is supposed to allow Ukraine to provide, in particular, armored vehicles and strengthen its air defense system, at a time when Russia is concentrating its efforts in the east and south of the country after its failure to control Kyiv and Kharkiv in the north.

Moscow seeks, in particular, to control the entire Russian-speaking Donbass region, which has been partially controlled since 2014, by separatists loyal to it.

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