Zelensky called on the world to act “now” against the beheading of a Ukrainian soldier

“It is something that no one in the world can ignore: the ease with which these beasts kill,” said Zelenski / Photo: Efe

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, called on the international community and its leaders to act urgently with concrete measures to help Kiev defeat Russia before the appearance of a video in which an alleged Russian soldier beheads a Ukrainian prisoner of war. reported EFE.

“It is something that no one in the world can ignore: the ease with which these beasts kill,” Zelenski said in a video recorded from the presidential office in which he affirms that it is not an isolated case, but rather “the new normal ” that Russia would try to impose.


A video found on Russian social networks by the US television network CNN allegedly shows the beheading of a live Ukrainian soldier at the hands of a Russian military. The video would have been recorded last summer and the Ukrainian secret service is trying to identify those who appear.

“It has happened before. It has happened before in Bucha. Thousands of times,” Zelensky added, referring to the town around kyiv where hundreds of Ukrainian civilians were killed during the Russian occupation.

kyiv / Web Writing

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