Zelenski, Biden, Petro and the Latin American left, protagonists of the UN Assembly

The presidents of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelenski; from the United States, Joe Biden; of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoganand the new leaders of the Latin American left will be some of the protagonists of the next General Assembly of the HIMmarked by the absence of two key leaders: the Russian, Vladimir Putin, and the Chinese, Xi Jinping.

Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, He will have the privilege of being the only leader to speak remotely before the General Assembly this year, and his speech will undoubtedly be one of the most anticipated.

The Russian invasion turned him overnight into one of the best-known faces in the international scene and Zelensky He has not stopped using all available forums to denounce Moscow’s actions and demand support for his country.

The Ukrainian leader arrives at at the UN General Assembly in the midst of a successful counteroffensive by its troops, which has allowed them to recover a lot of ground in the south and east of the territory.

Joe Biden

As always, the intervention of the US president will be one of those that marks the agenda at the United Nations and Biden is expected to use your speech to reiterate your full support for Ukraine and try to continue to isolate RussiaHowever, US sources point out that the White House does not want the war to overshadow many other global problems and will seek to focus on issues such as the food crisis, climate change and health issues.

Recey Tayyip Erdogan

The Turkish leader continues to strengthen his role as a key player on the international scene and has emerged as the main mediation asset between Ukraine and Russia. Together with the UN, Turkey He is the architect of the agreement to unblock Ukrainian cereal exports and facilitate Russian food and fertilizer sales, an agreement that seeks to combat the food crisis and that is currently being expanded.

Ebrahim Raisi

The Iranian president is expected to attend the General Assembly despite being subject to sanctions by the United States and de que Washington is receiving internal pressure not to provide him with a visa for this reason. The Iranian nuclear dossier will once again be a matter important in the UN and, with discussions to renew the 2015 agreement pending resolution and all negotiators In New Yorkwe are likely to see some attempt to make progress.

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The new Latin American wave

Colombian Gustavo Petro, Chilean Gabriel Boric and the Honduran Xiomara Castro make their debut at the United Nations after their recent electoral victories, which continue to consolidate the advance of the Latin American left. The three will have the opportunity to present their projects to the world and to meet in parallel to the Assembly with numerous leaders from other countries.

European premieres

Two heavyweights from Europe, Germany and the UK, will go to the UN with new leaders. The German Chancellor, Olaf Scholzcomes at a difficult time due to the impact that the war in Ukraine is having on the country’s economy.

While, British Prime Minister, Pike Trusswill do so just arrived at the position and after seeing his first days at the head of the country marked by the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Putin and Xi, the great absences

Neither the Russian nor the Chinese president will be In New Yorksomething that is not new, since they have only traveled to the General Assembly on a few occasions.

His absence, however, will be felt especially at a time when the war in Ukraine marks the international agenda and when tensions between Beijing and Washington threaten, according to the UN, with a new Cold War.

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