Zdeněk Chlopčík described his dismissal for the first time – PrahaIn.cz

photo: FTV Prima, with permission/Zdeněk Chlopčík in the Jan Krause Show

The thirteenth season of the popular StarDance dance competition started last Saturday. The scenery, background and principle remained unchanged. Marek Eben and Tereza Kostková once again created the hosting pair, ten couples appear on the dance floor again.

A popular personality is always complemented by a professional. As usual, Martin Kumžák’s Moondance Orchestra provided the background music. However, attentive viewers did not miss the fact that Zdeněk Chlopčík, dance master and co-owner of the dance school of the same name in Ostrava, is absent for the first time this year. He was with the show StarDance…when the stars dance from the very beginning, since 2006.

Marek Eben made a small reference to his address. Through the live broadcast, he thanked for the performance and greeted Chlopčík to Malenovice near Frýdek-Místek, where he lives.

Shortly after the public Czech Television announced that he would be replaced on the jury by trainer and choreographer Jan Tománek, a whole series of speculations surfaced. They were divided into two parts. The first mentioned that Chlopčík left the popular show voluntarily. PrahaIN.cz encountered one of the dramaturgs of ČT back in September, when he told us: “I know he quit, he should have found something in Slovakia, but I really don’t know more about it, it’s not talked about much here,” he told our editors. The same approach was taken by the staff two weeks ago when it came to the official presentation of the format.

It’s early for the courts

PrahaIN.cz was on the spot, but we only learned piecemeal information that Zdenek Chlopčík was replaced by Jan Tománek. No one wanted to comment further on this cast. The second part of the speculation, for a change, talked about the reasons why the well-known figure of StarDance will no longer critically assess individual performances.

Here, the allegedly high financial demands, his harsh behavior or disagreement with the TV crew were probably the most common. But in neither case was almost anything confirmed.

“I think it’s too early to judge this after the first episode. Zdeněk Chlopčík was a favorite judge associated with StarDance from the very beginning and it is therefore clear that some viewers miss him. We are very happy that the first episode of StarDance was watched by a record 1 million 629 thousand viewers. But we can find out whether the changes in this year’s thirteenth series were successful when it ends,” StarDance creative producer Lucie Kapounová told our editors.

According to CT, changes in the composition of the jury are not unusual.

Former CEO Petr Dvořák shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know the reason why it happened,” he told reporters on Monday.

Zdeněk Chlopčík initially did not want to comment too much on the matter. “I won’t comment on anything about StarDance,” he replied. However, we asked him an additional question. We were interested in how the cooperation was actually terminated. Here the dance master has already clearly indicated. “It was told to me over the phone. It was a blunt announcement that they don’t count on me,” he said. He didn’t want to elaborate on the matter further.

The editors also asked for the opinion of Mark Eben, who has been with the broadcast since its inception. He was also silent.


However, we got one more vote, also a former juror. He did not want to be named in this context.

“I cooperate with Czech Television, I don’t want to harm anyone. I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Zdenek Chlopčík and he did not appear to me to be a conflicted person. He was very nice behind the scenes and very, very attentive to women, I still remember that. Personally, I see ordinary human envy behind his dismissal. There was a lot of talk about the fact that he is doing quite well thanks to television, I don’t know more,” he explained.

It could be something to do with each other. But only in theory. Taneční škola Chlopčík s.r.o. was founded in February 2016, ten years after its forty-five percent owner first appeared as a judge on the Czech TV screen. According to the financial statements we reviewed in the registershowever, the company is practically still on the same economic base, even if it is growing. Judging by the responses on social networks, success is not behind the TV show, but hard work and art.

StarDance: A Shake-Up on the Dance Floor

Photo: FTV Prima, with permission/Zdeněk Chlopčík in the Jan Krause Show

The thirteenth season of StarDance is here, folks! Yes, the competition that gives us a reason to judge people dancing in sequined outfits has kicked off once again. Marek Eben and Tereza Kostková, the hosting duo who must have a PhD in cheesiness by now, are back to guide us through the twirls and tumbles. But hold onto your spangled hats, because it looks like drama is stealing the stage this time, and it’s not just the waltzers who have two left feet!

Let’s get straight to the point: there’s a significant absence in this year’s jury lineup. Zdeněk Chlopčík, the beloved dance aficionado we’ve all grown to know and love like a Sunday roast, is *missing in action*. He’s been part of StarDance since its inception in 2006, probably making more critical remarks than a well-seasoned theatre critic. But, it seems, this season is going to have a decidedly Chlopčík-less flavor, much to the dismay of his ardent fans.

While Marek Eben tried to wax poetic with a heartfelt shout-out to Zdeněk, thanking him for his ‘performance’—whatever that means when compared to actual dancing—we soon learned the news: the illustrious Jan Tománek has waltzed in to take his place. Cue the gasps! Or more accurately, the murmurs of speculation that rolled through the audience like a bad case of flatulence…

What Happened to Zdeněk Chlopčík?

Rumors are swirling faster than a couple at a tango night. Was it a voluntary leave? Did Chlopčík find greener pastures in Slovakia? Did he pack his bags and move to a dance school in the lush hills of Malenovice? Cue the suspense-filled soundtrack! One thing is clear: no one’s talking, and the silence is deafening. It’s as if someone dropped a lead weight on the floor in the middle of a lively Cha-Cha.

Despite some juicy speculation floating around, including mysterious financial demands and alleged diva behaviors, nothing appears confirmed. To be honest, I doubt anyone would be dramatic enough to leave a gig like StarDance because they wanted a pay rise. I mean, how much does one have to earn to critique people wearing sequins who seem to have forgotten how to count to eight? It leaves one pondering!

Lucie Kapounová, the show’s creative producer, is cautiously optimistic, reminding us that it’s premature to pass judgment after just the first episode. Yes, it’s true; viewers across the land tuned in to witness the spectacle, igniting a watch party craze as audiences collectively cringed and cheered. With a staggering viewership of over 1.6 million, it seems that the stars are still shining bright for StarDance—no pun intended.

The Dreaded Phone Call

Let’s delve deeper, shall we? Zdeněk remained tight-lipped, but eventually, he shed light on how the whole affair went down. You won’t believe it. Picture this: a simple phone call, presumably punctuated by that awkward silence, followed by a blunt announcement. Just imagine it—being kicked off the jury like you’re some sort of bad dance move that needs to be edited out. Talk about a classic case of ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ gone horribly wrong. Zdeněk probably wanted to scream, “But I’m the one wearing rhinestones!”

Jealousy in the Dance World?

To add fuel to the fire, one unnamed ex-juror weighed in on the matter. Apparently, jealousy may have played a part in the whole shebang. Envy in the tightly-knit world of dance? Who would have thought? Give a few professional dancers a whiff of TV glory, and suddenly they turn into divas with more backstabbing than a poorly choreographed routine. “There’s a lot of talk about him doing well thanks to television,” they remarked. So, Chlopčík might be more of a star than we’re aware of! Who knew watching people prance about could ignite a game of professional jealousy?

The Bottom Line

As this season of StarDance unfolds, we’ll just have to sit back and see if Jan Tománek can fill those quite large dance shoes left behind by Chlopčík. Will he deliver all the critical flair we expect? Or will we be left yearning for the charming grumpiness that only Chlopčík could provide? Only time and a few more glittery dance-offs will tell!

So, whether you’re pro-Chlopčík or cheering for Tománek, remember to grab the popcorn, settle in, and revel in the pure, sparkly drama of it all—because in the world of dance, every step, including the missteps, makes for a fabulous show.



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