Zainsky gynecologist gave recommendations to women in the period of premenopause

Early premenopause in a woman can occur before the age of 40

Premenopause is the period in a woman’s life from the moment the first signs of menopause appear to the last independent menstruation. Irina Isaeva, a gynecologist and obstetrician of the Zainskaya Central District Hospital, tells regarding the consequences of premenopause that women face and how to help themselves.

– Irina Mikhailovna, until what age is the reproductive function of a woman preserved?

– On average, a woman’s ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child lasts up to 44-50 years. This is influenced by many factors: heredity, stress, overwork, sedentary lifestyle, lack of sports, overweight, lifestyle, nutrition quality, bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs), chronic diseases, gynecological diseases, abdominal surgery, hormonal disruptions. Even the place of residence, race and ecology affect the ability of a woman to conceive and bear a child.

– What symptoms in the body can be suspected of premenopause?

– Each woman reacts to a decrease in estrogen levels individually. Symptoms of premenopause or early menopausal syndrome appear several years before the last period. The first signs are hot flashes, sweating, changes in the emotional background. In premenopause, changes affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the urogenital tract, and affect metabolism. The last menstruation, which marks the beginning of menopause, occurs on average at age 50. The gradual fading of ovarian function lasts approximately 1.5 years. After the complete cessation of the ovaries, conception is impossible, since the process of egg maturation stops.

Can premenopause start before age 40?

– Menopause can begin prematurely before the age of 40 in both parous and non-parous women. As a rule, early menopause is caused by: genetic predisposition, ovarian tumors, ovarian surgery, ionizing radiation, chemotherapy, autoimmune diseases. All this leads to the depletion of the ovarian reserve (the number of eggs) in the ovaries and the onset of menopause.

Can early premenopause be prevented?

– If the timing of the onset of the menopause is determined by genetics (that is, the woman had female relatives in whom menopause began before the age of 45), then it is almost impossible to influence the age of onset of menopause. However, the right lifestyle will help to delay the menopause a little. Also, a woman needs to take phytoestrogens, which will provide a softer entry into menopause. An active lifestyle and smoking cessation, proper nutrition will also help prolong the reproductive age.

– Can a woman get pregnant during premenopause and what does it threaten?

– During the period of premenopause, spontaneous ovulation occurs in the body of a woman, and if a woman is not protected, an unwanted pregnancy may occur, which will lead to an abortion. Therefore, during the premenopausal period, it is imperative to use contraception.

– Is it necessary for a woman during premenopause to begin to change outwardly?

– Yes, external changes occur during menopause. The skin withers due to the loss of important hormones, the muscles lose their elasticity, the smell of sweat and perspiration increase, the hair begins to fall out, the bones become brittle. Even the gait changes. They say that it is the gait that betrays the true age of a woman. It is believed that the shuffling gait is associated with calcium loss.

– How to maintain your health during this period?

– You can compensate for the loss of female sex hormones estrogens with products containing phytoestrogens: include soy, peas, beans, lentils, beans, dairy products, cottage cheese in your diet. You can use herbs and other preparations with phytoestrogens. It is important to have a densitometry (bone test) to see if you need to take calcium supplements. When the tests return to normal, think regarding physical education: a passive lifestyle provokes the rapid withering of the body. Charging, gymnastics, walking, Pilates, yoga. But proceed very carefully, gradually increasing the load.

Do I need to see a doctor during premenopause?

– During menopause, you need to visit a gynecologist. An appointment with a gynecologist is needed to determine the general condition, assess risk factors for the development of gynecological and somatic diseases, prescribe preventive drugs and adjust lifestyle, and get useful recommendations. Depending on the data of laboratory tests, a woman may need additional consultation of specialized specialists (cardiologist, rheumatologist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist). To correct the symptoms of menopause, the doctor will prescribe hormone replacement therapy.

Photo from the personal archive of I. Isaeva

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