Yvan Colonna between life and death: his family “shocked” by the dissemination of images of his attack

Ten photos taken from the video of the assassination attempt recorded by a prison surveillance camera were broadcast on the France 3 Corse site, before disappearing. Yvan Colonna’s family reacted and now wants to file a complaint.

The family of Yvan Colonna is “shocked” by the broadcast on Thursday evening of images of his attack in prison and intends to file a complaint for “violation of the secrecy of the instruction”, several of his lawyers said on Friday March 18. AFP. Another lawyer for Yvan Colonna, Me Emmanuel Mercinier-Pantalacci, confirmed that the family was “shocked” and that this filing of a complaint would be done “without delay”.

Ten photos taken from the video of the assassination attempt recorded by a prison surveillance camera were released Thursday evening on the France 3 Corse website. These images were no longer available Friday morning.

Always between life and death

On March 2, in Arles prison, the Corsican independence activist was very seriously injured by an inmate who attacked him. Since then, he is still in a coma between life and death, in a hospital in Marseille. A judicial investigation for “attempted assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise” was opened on March 6. Justice on Thursday suspended Yvan Colonna’s sentence for “medical reasons”.



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