Yulia Vysotskaya told how she cleans the house before Easter

Yulia Vysotskaya. Photo from open sources.

The TV presenter and actress, who lived in Minsk for a while and worked at the Kupala Theater, can afford a housekeeper, but likes to clean up on her own.

“For me, the main thing in the concept of “house order” is cleanliness,” Vysotskaya said on social networks. – All corners, all sinks, tiles, windows, curtains, surfaces – everything must be clean. And that has always been important to me. My husband laughs when I tell a story from my childhood, how at the age of nine, once a week or ten days, I grinded all the dishes in the sideboard at my grandparents’ house. Nobody asked me, let alone forced me, it was a pleasure and, apparently, as I now understand, it brought peace and order to my life.

Since then, little has changed. Of course, I have a housekeeper, because I can’t do everything on my own, but I still keep all my personal things in order. And sometimes with pleasure I can scrub the kitchen until three in the morning, especially following guests or before some holiday, I really like to do this before the New Year, my birthday or Easter.

Regarding the organization of space, I can say that I also sometimes watch channels or videos where they show different life hacks, how and what to fold, arrange, and arrange correctly. There are even such services that can be called to parse home blockages.

I personally feel comfortable when I lay out everything myself, as I need. Nobody can do it better than me. It is important for me that things are located in the course of my thoughts, and not according to some other people’s rules. Only I know which cream I use first and which second. Or in what order should the clothes be located in the closet, what I wear often, what less often, and what just hangs and waits in the wings.

And yes, I love ironing! This is meditation for me, and most importantly, this is the result that I get – the transformation of a thing, the way it begins to look following I have worked on it.

I don’t know how to sew and have long forgotten how to knit and embroider, although I once did it. I don’t have any special skills for this. But for the kitchen, cleanliness and ironing, I have both the ability and passion. That’s what I’m really good at and what gives me a break.”

Yulia Vysotskaya told how she cleans the house before Easter
Photo from open sources.



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