Yulia Salibekova from “House-2” burst out laughing after learning about the acquaintance of Yulia Belaya with Tigran’s mother

The ex-member of “House-2” Yulia Salibekova has repeatedly said that her parents and, in particular, her mother-in-law, had a hand in her divorce from Tigran.

The woman almost from the first day of acquaintance disliked the daughter-in-law.

Now Tigran Salibekov will have to introduce his mother to a new chosen one, with whom he had an affair following returning to Dom-2. Tigran Salibekov intends to marry Yulia Belaya, the wedding is scheduled for October, which means that meeting his parents cannot be avoided.

The ex-wife of Tigran Salibekov, Yulia, admitted that she was calm regarding his wedding with Yulia Belaya. And what she cannot be indifferent to is the fact that Yulia Belaya wants to please Tigran’s mother. Salibekova made it clear that this is basically impossible.

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“Yesterday they called from Lobnoy. They asked for advice on how Yulia Belaya would like Tigran’s mother. I laughed heartily, ”said Yulia Salibekova in the microblog.

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