Let’s recognize the signs of malnutrition, explained by the Indonesian Nutrition Association (INA) supported by Nutricia Sarihusada as the organizer of Malnutrition Awareness Week

Let’s recognize the signs of malnutrition, explained by the Indonesian Nutrition Association (INA) supported by Nutricia Sarihusada as the organizer of Malnutrition Awareness Week

2024-09-24 12:59:19

Education and health in Indonesia remain one of the major issues in Indonesia. Maintaining good health and preventing disease must of course be accompanied by comprehensive education, but it is still difficult for Indonesians to accept both of these things at the same time. Often associated with the term “low heart rate,” but that’s the reality. Maternal and neonatal mortality rates remain high, and stunting rates remain above 20%.

So how to overcome this problem requires constant reminders of the necessity of balanced food intake. Starting with a balanced nutrition movement, starting with the food on my plate, reducing excess sugar intake and moving towards a healthy lifestyle.

Because if it is still difficult for ordinary people to receive education from experts, then nothing will happen. Ironically, not only in remote areas but also in large cities, there is still a great risk of stunting and malnutrition because education is not being met or people are not aware of their true needs.

Therefore, in celebrating Malnutrition Awareness Week, Mamih would like to invite friends to become generally aware of how to achieve balanced nutrition and the signs of malnutrition. Because cross-sectoral collaboration must ensure that Indonesian people understand and are able to implement nutritionally balanced diets, thereby raising public awareness of malnutrition more broadly to create a healthier, more productive generation in the future.

If eating is not enough, what else should we eat?

If you may have heard the slogan “4 Healthy 5 Perfect” in the past, that guide has now been abandoned in favor of a balanced nutrition guide. The next generation remains at risk of stunted growth due to an incorrect understanding of nutrition. The rate of stunting in Indonesia is quite high, which can be prevented by understanding nutrition starting in the teenage years of prospective parents who are about to give birth to the next generation.

Do you still remember that school lunch was instant noodles and rice, or breakfast was three-cent eggs? It’s really unbalanced, but apart from the economic downturn, so far people are not consuming nutritious food due to lack of education.

Let’s recognize the signs of malnutrition, explains the Indonesian Nutrition Association (INA) supported by Nutricia Sarihusada as the organizer of Malnutrition Awareness Week

Therefore, the Indonesian Nutrition Association (INA) has become one of the ambassadors of Malnutrition Awareness Week (MAW) organized by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) since 2017, trying and participating in the fight against malnutrition through various activities .

In 2024, MAW will be held from September 16 to 20 to conduct education or outreach activities to the public on the impact and prevention of malnutrition, supported by Nutricia Sarihusada, with the theme “Preventing malnutrition from an early age and building a healthy Indonesia”.

Let’s recognize the signs of malnutrition, explained by the Indonesian Nutrition Association (INA) supported by Nutricia Sarihusada as the organizer of Malnutrition Awareness Week

If you look at the proportion, it seems to be a small number, only 7%, but if you are referring to the Indonesian population, it is no joke. You have to know that research by the Center for Indonesian Studies (CIPS) shows that 21 million is equivalent to 7% of Indonesia’s total population is malnourished, and the per capita daily calorie intake is below the Ministry of Health’s standard of 2,100 calories. That’s all!

Learn about malnutrition and prevention

Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, professor of internal medicine at the University of Indonesia School of Medicine, said malnutrition is not just a lack of nutrients.

“According to the World Health Organization, malnutrition is defined as a person’s insufficient, excessive, or unbalanced intake of energy and nutrients,”

Yes, a meal is packed with macro and micronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals and is as balanced as possible.

Malnutrition is a serious health problem in Indonesia, especially for children and pregnant women. The SKI report pointed out that the national stunting rate will reach 21.5% in 2023, a decrease of only 0.1% from the previous period, making Indonesia one of the countries with the highest stunting rate in Southeast Asia.

If people develop the habit of not paying attention to food raw materials and their processing, malnutrition will occur from children to adults, leading to reduced productivity, low immunity, susceptibility to illness, increased hospitalizations, and an increasing economic decline.

As long as the malnutrition rate becomes smaller, people can be more creative and live a stable and decent life. Indeed, this road is long, and health does affect many things.

Prevention can start with anyone who wants to make lifestyle changes to become healthier. Because the chain is very continuous. When expectant parents’ nutritional needs are not met during their teenage years, they may give birth to malnourished children. The danger is that knowledge of children’s nutritional needs is also ignored. Children are at risk of developmental delays.

If you have been diagnosed with developmental delay that cannot be cured, not only will you be short in stature, your IQ will be low, your future will be threatened, and you will be vulnerable to dangers even in your later years.

In fact, Indonesia is more underdeveloped than its neighbors and developing countries. Stunting is exacerbated by a lack of public education about proper feeding of children. Parents are not well-equipped to take care of their children, so children’s rights are often ignored. If many children are stunted, Indonesia’s future generations will be threatened by “stupidity.”

Conclusions on rapid strategic response to prevent malnutrition in Indonesia

Of course, after discussions across departments, some input materials need to be considered for optimal implementation of stunting prevention. Mom was also happy to see such a demonstration which opened her eyes on the application of preventing malnutrition and stunting from home, namely:

1. Feed children correctly. After listening to the discussion, not only is it good to follow the MPASI trend, but the food needs of babies can be met through complete nutrition of fats, proteins, and minerals, especially animal protein, which helps to build brain cell chains and improve cognitive abilities. . There is no need to overindulge in viral foods or drinks without considering a balanced nutritional intake.

2. Select food raw materials and process them correctly. In addition to feeding them correctly, start with easy-to-find foods (including animal-based proteins) such as eggs, chicken, fish, and learn to select, process, and feed them to your child in the right way.

3. Parents should actively monitor their children’s growth, such as paying attention to their children’s head circumference and weight every month using correct measurement methods.

4. Parental stimulation also helps children achieve growth and development according to their age. If there is a delay, intervention can be made as early as possible.

5. Parents can open their minds and learn how to feed correctly, take proper care, and spread correct information about preventing stunting and improve themselves to achieve a healthy lifestyle and prevent malnutrition, which is a common goal for realizing the right of children and their families to health responsibility.

Together we can begin to dramatically improve our nutritional literacy while learning how to consume adequate nutrients to provide for our immediate families and the environment.

Remember, local food ingredients can be processed, easily found, and provide nutritious meals. The easiest way for moms to cook spinach is with a variety of protein toppings that mom makes so you don’t get bored.

Among the younger generation, there may still be many people who do not pay attention to their consumption. There are many factors that contribute to this, starting from finances and eating habits, from the children at home to adults who still don’t understand what nutrients are good for the body.

PhD. Ray called for the importance of collaboration between departments to prevent malnutrition. As for explanatory references: Dr. Nutricia Sarihusada, Director of Medical and Scientific Affairs. Ray Wagiu Basrowi, MKK, FRSPH, said preventing malnutrition is a critical step in ensuring optimal growth and development of children and maintaining overall community health.

“However, solving this problem requires cooperation from all parties. Close collaboration between government, private sector, non-profit organizations and society is critical to create an environment that supports the prevention of malnutrition.

“As a nutrition-focused company, Nutricia Sarihusada is committed to continuing to contribute to preventing malnutrition and improving the quality of life of the Indonesian people through various nutritional products, research and social initiatives,” explains Dr. Nutricia Sarihusada. ray.

Thanks to Dr., Chairman of INA (Indonesia Nutrition Association). Professor Luciana B. Sutanto, Ph.D. PhD. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB – Professor of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr. Ray Wagiu Basrowi, MKK, FRSPH – Director of Medical and Scientific Affairs Nutricia Sarihusada and Ph.D. Lula Kamal, as moderator, explained and highlighted the importance of preventing malnutrition at an early stage by raising awareness of the signs of malnutrition.

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