Yucatecan Deacon Receives Holy Order of the Priesthood and Other Historic Events in 1973

2023-12-17 06:30:00

Deacon José Florencio Camargo Sosa receives the Priestly Order in the Cathedral.— Monsignor Manuel Castro Ruiz inaugurates the Holy Year in Yucatán.— The overpopulation of inmates makes the Juárez Penitentiary inoperative.— The love affair between Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy is revealed

Sunday, December 9, 1973: Yucatecan deacon receives Holy Order of the priesthood

MEDICAL DAYS.—Yesterday at 2 p.m. they ended in the Social Security Theater Medical Days organized on the occasion of the Professional Jubilee of the doctor Ignacio Morones Prieto, who received the distinction of honorary member of the Mexican Association of Occupational Medicine. The doctor Matías Aguiar Narváez presented the honoree with the gold medal and the doctor Miguel Castro Sandovalthe diploma.

The religious wedding of Mr. Roberto Carrillo Ancona and Miss Yolanda Cuevas Narváez, on December 8, 1973 in the Sagrada Familia church. Megateca photo

PROFESSION OF FAITH.— In a solemn and beautiful ceremony held yesterday morning in the Cathedral, the Archbishop Dr. Manuel Castro Ruiz conferred the Holy Order of the Priesthood Christian to deacon José Florencio Camargo Sosa and the diaconate to the young Miguel Ángel Ucán Noh.

In a previous ceremony held in the chapel of the Seminary of San Ildefonso, the official acceptance and affirmation was made to be a candidate for the diaconate and the priesthood, which consisted of the admission ceremony itself in which a profession of faith and obedience was made, as well as a reaffirmation of ecclesiastical celibacy. This ceremony was performed for the first time in Mérida.

(From “Diario de Yucatán” number 17,450)

Monday, December 10, 1973: approve historic and million-dollar budget for Yucatan

BUDGET.— The head of the Executive, Carlos Loret de Mola Medizreported yesterday, through its press office, that the Expenses budget of the State government in 1974 It will be the largest in the history of Yucatán and the first one to surpass the 225 million pesos.

The information provided to this newspaper does not indicate the exact figure of the Budget, but indicates that the governor will request Congress, in the special period of sessions that begins today, an extension of 24 million 803 thousand pesos to the 1973 Budget.

SCOUTS.— In ten tents, installed around a tower and other firm wooden constructions, 28 cubs and 33 scoutsunder the direction of 10 leaders, spent Saturday night in the Chenku hacienda and they concluded yesterday, Sunday, at 4 in the followingnoon, the commemorative program of the XIII anniversary of Group I of the Scout Association and a tribute to the scouters.

Scouters of Group 1, which on 9 December 1973 celebrated its 13th. anniversary of its foundation at the Chenkú farm: front, Rafael Palma Capetillo, Jose Francisco Torres Loyal, Miguel Gamboa Gamboa and Victor Quiroz Rivas, and behind, Carlos Martinez Millan, Carlos Valencia Canto, Jose Ulises Gonzalez Bolio, Ileana Camara Arrigunaga, Nidia Castillo Sanchez de Valencia, Luis G. Barrueta Gamboa, Humberto Rodriguez Palomeque and Emilio Sansores Font. Picture of Megateca

Many parents also went to Chenkú on Saturday night to witness, in the heat of a bonfire, the fun pastimes of the cubs, and then participate in a dinner in which the outgoing director of the Parents’ Committee gave their report and took new possession.

Both the head of Group I, Luis Barrueta Gamboaas the 1972-1973 president of the Committee, Emilio Sansores Poncereferred to the fruitful activities of the exercise and Mr. Sansores received from the hands of the provincial commissioner, Miguel Ramírez Rosado, a medal of recognition for his performance.

Above, Archbishop Monsignor Manuel Castro Ruiz blesses the new side naves of the chapel of the Yucatán neighborhood, in the company of priest Joaquín Dondé Ruiz. Below, the façade of the church, whose naves were built with money collected by the faithful at festivals and other activities. Megateca photo

HOLY YEAR.—The archbishop Dr. Manuel Castro Ruiz inaugurated yesterday Holy Year in the church of San Juan BoscoMiraflores neighborhood, during the mass he concelebrated with the priest priest Fernando Díaz López. Nearly 300 parishioners who attended the service received plenary indulgence through the usual requirements.

(From “Diario de Yucatán” number 17,451)

Tuesday, December 11, 1973: construction of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine begins

VETERINARY.—The Administrative Committee of the Federal School Construction Program, through its Zone Headquarters, began in the first days of this month the construction of the new premises of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnicswhich will cost $4.450,000on land acquired by the State government in the hacienda Xmatkuil and it must be completed in the second half of March 1974, as reported yesterday by the architect Roberto Izaguirre Montielholder of the leadership.

The school will consist, in its first stage, of a single-story building with three operating rooms, a classroom-auditorium, laboratories and refrigeration rooms.

SECRETARY.— WASHINGTON (UPI).— The American president Richard Nixon yesterday formally appointed the Republican senator William B. Saxbe as Secretary of Justice.

(From “Diario de Yucatán” number 17,452)

Wednesday, December 12, 1973: actions once morest drugs at the Mérida airport

CAMPAIGN.— On Saturday the 1st of this month, the fight once morest the virus began at the airport of this city. smuggling of drugs, intoxicants and narcotics with the most modern elements; From a chemical point of view, they are used in the world.

In fact, the Progreso Maritime Customsin the department it occupies in the airport building, has personnel who have been trained in a 25-day intensive course in Mexico Citytaught by experts from the United States, for the location and identification of drugs and narcotics.

The equipment is a yellow box regarding 20 centimeters long by 17 centimeters high, portable, which contains chemical capsules that open into two parts.

If someone carries or has in their luggage any suspicious substancea sample is placed in the box and the two vials are burst, resulting in an exact reaction that identifies the content of the substance.

(From “Diario de Yucatán” number 17,453)

Thursday, December 13, 1973: saturation found in the Yucatán penitentiary

PRISON.—The State penitentiary (formerly Juárez) It is already an inoperative prison due to the prisoner overpopulationas the source’s reporter was able to verify during a tour of the prison.

On February 1 of the year ending, the penitentiary building turned 78 years old, which was designed, and this includes subsequent expansions, to house 250 or 300 people.

Today, because crime increases At the same rate as the population, that figure has almost doubled, since last Monday the prison housed 564 people: 229 sentenced, 280 prosecuted, 16 detained and 39 arrested, including 12 sentenced women, 14 prosecuted and one detained.

POSADA.— In the annual tradition of his Christmas posada, the Merida School The night before last he enshrined the birth in the heart of a star, surrounded it with four vases of pretty girls and placed at its feet the tribute of a Christian image of family coexistence.

On the dominant stands of the sports field, the nativity scene was a single silver star; They trembled, at their five points, flickering with colored lights, and in the pentagonal hole opened in the center, the profile of Patricia Selma Canor, a Virgin in a red tunic with the Child Jesus in her arms, among the yellow faces and white smiles of half a dozen sunflowers.

The vases of pretty girls wore four versions of the Yucatecan regional costume. In front of the star, at more than a hundred tables, parents, children and teachers shared dinner.

Fifty middle and high school students served 935 plates of asparagus sandwich, apple and other fruit salad, volovanes with chicken “a la king”, cold pork leg in orange and chocolate cake.

(From “Diario de Yucatán” number 17,454)

Friday, December 14, 1973: University of Yucatán proposes degree options

On the left, Dr. Jorge Carlos Avilés Rosado and Miss Gloria Nelda Irigoyen Novelo, who celebrated their religious wedding on December 14, 1973 in the church of El Jesús. Megateca photo

UNIVERSITY.—The Council of the University of Yucatán agreed yesterday that the Technical advice of each school may decide, in the terms of its powers, if instead of the reception thesis sets the intern a social work or a study related to their professional practice, which you may present to your synod in typed form.

The agreement was reached following an intervention by Carlos Evia Rosado, director of the School of Engineering, during an ordinary session of the University Council.

The religious marriage of Mr. Luis Fernando Preve Castro and Miss María Teresa Martínez Vázquez, on December 14, 1973 at the Sagrada Familia. Megateca photo

DRAINAGE.— The project to provide Progreso, Chicxulub y Chelem by one drainage system, with total cost that ranges between 20 million and 25 million pesoswas announced yesterday by the Secretary of Hydraulic Resources in the State, Víctor Pérez Novelo.

Once the topography of the street crossings has been completed, the construction of a network of drainage channels (concrete pipes) will begin, which would branch below the city.

(From “Diario de Yucatán” number 17,455)

Saturday, December 15, 1973: love affair between Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy is revealed

KENNEDY.— NEW YORK (UPI).— Marilyn Monroe had a romantic interest in President John F. Kennedy by almost a year until his suicide and among his last words he said: “Say goodbye to the President”, according to a new book written by the veteran columnist Earl Wilson.

Wilson explained that he conducted a three-year investigation in which he established the existence of an “alliance” between the blonde actress and Kennedy. He added that He kept the story a secret for years.

GETTY.— ROME (UPI).— The young J. Paul Getty III was freed yesterday by his kidnappersfollowing five months of captivity and paying a ransom of almost three million dollars.

Italian police said they found the grandson of billionaire J. Paul Getty on the side of a road near the town of Logonegro, south of Naples.

(From “Diario de Yucatán” number 17,456)

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