Yu Jing: We used to be gods – thoughts after watching “Becoming God Again” | Protect the good | Abandon the evil and follow the good | Atheism

2023-11-30 07:15:01

Poster for the large-scale fantasy film “Once We Were Divine” filmed by Canada’s New Tang Dynasty Television. (Provided by NTDTV Canada)

[The Epoch Times, November 30, 2023]Recently, I watched the movie “Becoming God Again” on Clean World. I can’t forget it for a long time. I recorded some of my thoughts in a few pens.

The origin and destination of life

A relative once said that when he was a child, he was sitting in the main room while his mother was sweeping the floor at the door. He suddenly felt infinite sadness and wanted to go home and see his family. But, aren’t you just sitting at home? Isn’t your family right in front of you? Why is this so? At a young age, he didn’t understand the reason. It was only following many, many years that he obtained the Fa that he realized that at that time, he missed his home in heaven and his relatives in heaven.

Where do people come from and where do they go? Many people find it difficult to find the answer throughout their lives. This movie intuitively presents the answer.

There are all kinds of people in the world. There are people like Song Guangming who find the true meaning of life and stick to their beliefs and remain unswerving in the face of persecution. There are also people like Bai Feng who only want to live their own happy life and have all kinds of conflicts with Song Guangming and even hope that Song Guangming Guangming gave up his faith, but finally chose to support Song Guangming and embarked on the path of cultivation with him; there are also people like Zhao Haifeng who hope to get ahead and pursue fame and wealth in the world, and become loyal supporters of the Communist Party at all costs, and eventually become loyal supporters of the Communist Party. Self-destruction; there are also people like Professor Yu and Song Guangming’s students who choose to protect the good and speak out for kind people in the face of big issues of right and wrong; there are also people like the captain of the National Security Brigade who persecute cultivators; there are also people who are in the same cell as Guangming People waiting for salvation…

However, these various people play various roles, good, evil, and ordinary. But looking forward, we find that these lives are not from our earth. Before Song Guangming came to this world, it was a bright world. The king of the world, and other people were also gods of the bright world before they came to this world, just because they signed a contract with the Creator to come to this world to save all sentient beings.

In other words, they were gods in the past, and following fulfilling their oath with the Creator in the next life, they became gods once more. However, the rolling world has fascinated some gods in the next life. Some are waiting to be saved, and some have committed too many evil deeds and destroyed themselves. Before the movie ended, I still had hope in my heart, hoping that Zhao Haifeng would wake up and abandon evil and do good. Because in the upper world, he was a god who descended into the world together with Song Guangming and Bai Feng, and had many encounters in reincarnation. For such a life, I always felt that it would be a pity to destroy it in the human world. However, the reason for the destruction of this life was also revealed earlier in the movie. Whether it is Song Guangming, Bai Feng, or other gods, the purpose of the next life is to save all sentient beings, and it is for him, but only Zhao Haifeng does it for selfish reasons. This may be the reason why this life was not saved in the end.

The root cause of chaos in the world

I often hear people say that what’s wrong with this society is that it is becoming more and more violent, especially in China, where even the evil deeds done by ordinary people have become increasingly bottomless. Counterfeiting is happening in all walks of life, and food safety issues are becoming more and more common, and people even start killing each other at the slightest disagreement. It is at this time when “the sky has changed, people have no good intentions, and people have lost control of their demonic nature. Natural disasters, man-made disasters, worries, and resentments have everyone treating each other like enemies.” The point where everything goes as planned” (“Hong Yin” – (Magic Transformation)).

Are the Chinese inherently bad? No, China was once known as a land of etiquette. People were educated by holy kings. There was a time of peace when “households were not closed at night and people did not pick up things on the road”. There was also a prosperous age when “all nations came to court”. But what is going on with the Chinese today?

The root cause is revealed at the beginning of the film. There are demons causing trouble in the upper world, and then they escape to the human world and cause trouble in the human world in the form of communism. The evil spirit purposefully sends its human agents to promote “atheism,” “evolution,” and “struggle philosophy” in the world to confuse the world. It also creates a communist cult in the world, confuses the world, and makes people swear to dedicate their lives to the evil spirit. To take revenge on the gods.

Why choose China? Because in China, “thousands of ancestors came to this world and thousands of Buddhas came to this world”, most of the people in China came to this world as gods and made an appointment with the Creator. In order to destroy them, evil spirits deceived them into dedicating their lives to evil spirits. , and then manipulate them to turn China into a place with low morals and sinister hearts, thus achieving the goal of turning away from God.

Holy destiny, good destiny, bad destiny

There is a saying: “We are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, but if we are not destined to meet each other, we will never know each other.” Just because in thousands of years of reincarnation, there are all kinds of karma between people, those who seek revenge, those who repay kindness, those who pay off debts, and those who settle grudges are found one by one, exactly. I often hear people complain that I am so nice to him, why can he treat me so badly? Why doesn’t the person I like like me like me? Why don’t I like the person who likes me? Why do I get angry when I see someone? Why do we encounter so many injustices? Ordinary people cannot see through the causal relationships in the world and only know how to fight in reality. As a result, they are exhausted physically and mentally and suffer from diseases.

In that life of Tang Dynasty. Song Guangming saved Bai Feng and formed a good relationship, but he also formed a bad relationship because he killed the soldiers to save Bai Feng. Song Guangming let Zhao Haifeng go, but was stabbed by Zhao Haifeng, which resulted in a bad relationship. Song Guangming was The soldiers under the tent of Li Shimin, the reincarnation of the Creator, formed a holy bond with the Creator.

In fact, regardless of whether they have good or bad karma, it is a thread that will lead them to be saved by the Creator when he rectifies the Dharma.

Zhao Haifeng has always been resentful that Bai Feng chose Song Guangming instead of him. In the end, under the influence of jealousy, he reported Song Guangming and committed a serious crime. He didn’t know that the reason why Bai Feng chose Song Guangming was not because Song Guangming was better than him, nor because Song Guangming was luckier than him, but because he wanted to repay the life-saving grace he received from his previous life. In addition, Bai Feng also agreed with the King of Light in the sky to help the King of Light. However, he was poisoned by atheism and never understood the cause and effect. If he might understand and let go of his unfair heart, he might be able to be saved in the end.

The fate between Bai Feng and Song Guangming is also very ingenious. The good fate of saving his life and the sacred fate agreed with heaven made Bai Feng and Song Guangming’s relationship as husband and wife. In the first half of the film, it is not seen that Bai Feng is helpful to Song Guangming. Instead, he has been obstructing Song Guangming for the sake of family happiness. Until Song Guangming was kidnapped and sentenced, with the help of Xiao Yu, Song Guangming’s true thoughts were awakened. At the critical moment when Song Guangming’s integrity was wavering, Song Guangming’s righteous thoughts were aroused. But Xiaoyu was arranged by Bai Feng before he was born in order to awaken his true thoughts at the critical moment. People not only marvel at the wonderful arrangement of fate.

The soldier who was killed had a bad relationship with Song Guangming, so in this life he became the captain of the persecution of Falun Gong. That’s why he wanted to shake Guangming’s righteous faith during the interrogation, so he shocked Guangming with an electric baton. On the surface, he was Following orders from superiors to persecute Falun Gong practitioners actually involves a debt of life that must be repaid. However, repaying debts is not the only way to retaliate. Especially during the Fa-rectification period, persecuting Dafa disciples is a serious crime. If you can be kind, you can be saved and enter the future. However, he was poisoned by atheism and did not believe in retribution, so he suffered retribution in this world.

lock chain

Everyone in the world came from heaven, but looking around, except for believers, everyone is struggling and fighting in the world’s fame and fortune. People cannot see the divinity in them, and it is difficult to connect them with the holy and compassionate God. It turns out that when gods came to the world, their true thoughts were locked by the heart-locking chain, preventing them from remembering their true purpose in the followinglife. So, how to solve the lock chain?

Falun Gong has been persecuted for more than 20 years. Overseas Dafa disciples have overcome many difficulties. Dafa disciples in mainland China have persisted in telling the world the truth regarding the persecution of Falun Gong, despite the risks of being caught, killed and having their organs harvested, and to persuade the world to recognize the evil of communism. Spirit, only by withdrawing from the CCP can we maintain peace. Some people don’t understand. What these people say the most is: “Falun Gong is good. You can just practice it at home. Why do you go around trying to persuade people to quit the party?”

What they don’t know is that those who join the Communist Party organization have already sworn to hand over their lives to the devil. Only by recognizing that the CCP has withdrawn from the party team organization that they have joined can the oath be eliminated, the chain of heart locks that bind one’s true thoughts be released, and the universe be assimilated. Dafa saves all sentient beings in the world it represents.

Professor Yu and Song Guangming’s students, when rumors regarding Falun Gong were spread and Song Guangming was facing expulsion, they had the courage to stand up and speak for Song Guangming. At this time, the chain that tied them was opened, and their true selves awakened. The two security guards in the police room quit the Communist Party organization they had joined under Song Guangming’s persuasion, and their true selves in the sky also awakened. Zhao Haifeng, under the persuasion of Song Guangming and Bai Feng once more and once more, insisted on working with evil. His true self was destroyed following he said, “We must obey the party’s command more.” The captain who shocked Song Guangming with an electric baton fell to the ground and died while shouting that he did not believe in retribution. His true self was also destroyed.

The characters in the play are very representative. They are the epitome of characters in the real world. They are either Falun Gong practitioners, or relatives and friends of Falun Gong practitioners. They understand or do not understand what Falun Gong practitioners do, or they listen to Falun Gong practitioners clarifying the truth. Strangers, people who choose to quit the CCP or associate with the devil, or those who participate in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners… Various characters form a drama that is staged in the Central Plains. However, whether you can be saved depends on the characters in the drama. chosen.

Finally, I borrowed a line from Venerable Wu Mi in the play to end, “You were gods once. Whether you can become gods once more depends on your choice.”

Editor in charge: Gao Yi

#Jing #gods #thoughts #watching #God #Protect #good #Abandon #evil #follow #good #Atheism



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