Youtuber survives after falling from his paraglider (VIDEO)

Youtuber survives after falling from his paraglider (VIDEO)

MEXICO CITY.- A video has gone viral through social networks that shows a youtuber suffer an accident that was regarding to end his life.

Anthony Vellarenowned youtuber and expert pilot in paramotor, suffered a fall from a height of 25 meters while trying to land. The incident was recorded on social media and shared on his YouTube channel.

The youtuber was recording a video for your YouTube channel using a BGD Luna 3, a paramotor model known for its speed, which can reach up to 75 kilometers per hour, when suddenly an error in the knot in the brake rubber caused the sudden collapse of the equipment.

According to reports, that day was his first flight with this specific model, so not being completely familiar with it, an incorrect adjustment on the brake caused the knot.

At the beginning of the approximately 23-minute video, the content creator is seen turning on the fan and gradually beginning to rise.

YouTuber falls 25 meters into the void

Everything seemed to be going well, but at several meters high, with the excitement at its maximum, the tension knot caused the collapse of the device.

After the fall, he began to scream due to the unbearable pain, but thanks to the fact that he held his cell phone in his hand the entire time, was able to call 911.

Despite this terrible experience, the man managed to survive thanks to the quick intervention of the firefighters and a passerby who witnessed the accident and also alerted the emergency services.

While waiting for the paramedics, Vella took the opportunity to inform his wife regarding what had happened. The most serious injury he suffered was a fracture in one of his armsin addition to multiple bruises and wounds.

YouTube video

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#Youtuber #survives #falling #paraglider #VIDEO
2024-05-12 10:20:45

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