YouTuber Norman Thavaud breaks silence after rape investigation into him is closed

The investigation was closed in October 2023 for insufficiently characterized offenses, concluding that the consent of the complainants who had felt “coerced” because of his notoriety had not been deceived.

Published on 08/11/2024 14:11 Updated on 08/11/2024 15:30

Reading time: 1 min Former YouTube star Norman Thavaud speaks out after several months of silence in a video posted to his channel on August 11, 2024. (NORMAN)

Former YouTube star breaks silence. Norman Thavaud, the subject of a judicial investigation for “rape” and “corruption of minors” that was closed without further action in October 2023, denounced, on Sunday August 11, “l’injustice” suffered according to him in this case. “I am no longer presumed innocent. I am innocent.”says the videographer to 11.5 million subscribers, deploring the repercussions “cataclysmiques” d’accusations “fake”.

“It was such a disproportionate and unfair situation that I no longer had the strength to do anything. The harassment, the relentlessness was such that, for the first time in my life, I considered the worst.”confesses the 37-year-old man, speaking for the first time in months on social networks. The investigation against him had been closed without further action due to insufficiently characterized offenses. The justice system had concluded that the consent of the complainants, who had felt “constraints” because of his notoriety, had not been deceived.

Norman Thavaud recognizes that his “relationship to dating and seduction was surely sometimes inelegant and immature”. However, he denounces the attitude of certain media, which have “immediately put in the pillory, without taking into account the slightest presumption of innocence”. “The people’s court has taken over the internet and all the little haters [internautes animés par la haine] did their job properly”he adds. “They have struck a very lucrative chord, it’s as if they bought themselves a feminist conscience overnight.”

“We are living in a difficult time, sometimes even unjust, but which is beneficial for our society.”

Norman Thavaud, youtubeur

in a video

“Freeing up victims’ voices is essential, but for this movement to be sustainable, we must be able to differentiate between true accusations and false accusations. Not recognizing this takes away from the credibility of women’s voices.”he unrolls.

The YouTuber, who explains that he has kept silent so as not to hinder the investigation, claims not to have “more income” for two years and not knowing if he will ever resume his activity. “YouTube claimed in December 2022 to demonetize my channel until further notice”he recalls, and despite the case being closed without further action, “it is still demonetized”meaning that the videos are less highlighted by the algorithm and therefore generate less revenue.



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