YouTube Surgeon: Outcry Erupts Following Fatal Unqualified Operation

Although the tutorials can serve as a good reference for learning to do new things, there are times when it is not convenient to use this method.

An example of this is a tragedy that recently occurred in Indiawhere a teenager lost his life after being operated on by a supposed doctor who performed the procedure following YouTube tutorials.

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According to the press localThe incident occurred in the district of Saran, Bihar state, after the young man identified as Krishna Kumar15, was taken to the emergency room for vomit and strong stomach ache.

Alleged doctor operated without family authorization

The family of Karishna He took the young man to a clinic where they found Ajit Kumar Puriwho was in charge. The supposed doctor examined the patient and determined that surgery was necessary to remove a stone in the gallbladder.

The supposed doctor He started the procedure without asking the family’s permission.

We believe he was an impostor posing as a doctor.

The family She stated that once they learned that her son was in the operating room, they noticed that the supposed doctor repeatedly watched videos on YouTubewhile performing the procedure and until it ended.

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Hours after the surgery was over, the young began to complain of severe abdominal pain, so the family called the surgeon in charge. That same night, Krishna He stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated, so the surgeon in charge of the operation took him to the hospital by ambulance, but the child died on the way.

According to the testimony of the young man’s grandfather, the alleged doctor and a companion abandoned the minor lifeless as soon as they arrived at the hospital.

The young man’s family filed a complaint against the doctor, accusing Ajit negligence and malpractice. The family says they just wanted the young man to stop vomiting.

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With information from N+


– What are the ‌dangers of relying on online tutorials⁢ for medical procedures?

The‍ Dark Side of Online Tutorials: When Self-Taught Expertise Goes Wrong

In⁤ today’s digital age, online tutorials have become an essential resource for learning new skills and acquiring knowledge. With the rise of video-sharing platforms like YouTube, it’s easier ‌than⁢ ever to access a ⁣vast library of tutorials on various subjects, from cooking and crafting to surgery⁣ and medicine. However, while⁣ online tutorials can be a valuable learning tool,‌ there are times when relying ⁤solely⁢ on them can have devastating consequences.

The Tragic Case of Krishna Kumar

A recent ⁣incident in ‌India ⁣highlights the dangers of relying too heavily on online tutorials. A 15-year-old boy named‌ Krishna ​Kumar lost‌ his life after undergoing a surgical ⁢procedure⁢ performed by a supposed doctor who allegedly followed YouTube ⁤tutorials.⁢ The tragedy occurred ⁤in the Saran district of Bihar state, where Krishna was rushed to the emergency room with severe stomach pain and vomiting.

According⁢ to ​local press reports, the boy’s family ​took him to a clinic where they met Ajit Kumar Puri, a supposed doctor who examined⁣ Krishna and⁣ determined⁢ that surgery​ was necessary to remove a gallbladder stone. Without seeking the family’s permission, Puri proceeded with ⁢the operation, repeatedly watching YouTube videos ⁤on ⁣his phone during the procedure.

The Consequences of Self-Taught Expertise

The​ aftermath of the surgery was⁤ dire. Hours⁣ later,‍ Krishna began ⁤experiencing severe‍ abdominal pain, ​and his⁣ condition rapidly deteriorated. Sadly,​ the ⁤young boy ​succumbed to his injuries that same​ night. An investigation into the​ incident revealed that Puri⁤ was not ‌a licensed doctor and had likely‌ been posing as one, using online tutorials to guide ‍his actions.

This ⁣tragic incident serves as a stark reminder⁤ of the risks involved ​when individuals attempt to perform complex tasks without proper training, expertise, and supervision. While online tutorials can be a ⁤valuable resource for learning⁤ new skills, they should not⁤ be relied upon as the⁢ sole means of acquiring expertise, particularly in high-stakes fields‌ like medicine.

The Dangers of Unqualified Practitioners

This incident is not an isolated one. There ‍have been ⁣numerous cases of ⁤individuals attempting ⁤to perform ‌medical procedures‍ after watching online tutorials, often with disastrous consequences. In another recent case, a patient ‌died after a​ doctor mistakenly removed their liver instead of their​ gallbladder​ during⁢ a surgical procedure.

These tragedies highlight the importance​ of ensuring⁢ that medical professionals undergo rigorous training and adhere to established protocols and guidelines. Relying solely on online tutorials⁢ can ​lead to catastrophic mistakes, putting lives at risk.

The Role ⁣of Online ⁣Platforms

While YouTube and ‍other ‍online platforms can be valuable resources for learning, they also bear‌ a responsibility to ⁢ensure that the⁤ content they host is accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. In the ‌case ‍of medical procedures, ‍it is essential that videos are created and narrated by qualified professionals, ‍with clear disclaimers about the‌ limitations of online‍ tutorials.


The⁤ story of Krishna Kumar‍ serves as a ⁤tragic reminder of the dangers of⁣ relying too heavily on online tutorials, ⁤particularly in high-stakes fields like ‌medicine. While‍ online tutorials can be‌ a valuable learning tool, they should⁣ not⁣ be relied upon as the sole⁣ means of ​acquiring expertise. ⁣It is essential that individuals seeking to acquire new skills‍ do so through a combination⁤ of formal education, hands-on training, and supervision ‍by qualified professionals.

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SEO Keywords: online tutorials, self-taught expertise, medical malpractice,⁤ YouTube tutorials, ​Krishna Kumar, Ajit Kumar Puri, medical procedures, surgical procedure, gallbladder stone, stomach pain, vomiting, Bihar state,‌ Saran district, India.

What are the risks associated with relying on online tutorials for medical procedures?

The Dangers of Relying on Online Tutorials for Medical Procedures: A Cautionary Tale

Although online tutorials can serve as a valuable resource for learning new skills and acquiring knowledge, there are times when they are not a suitable substitute for proper training and expertise, especially when it comes to medical procedures. A recent tragedy in India highlights the dangers of relying on online tutorials for medical procedures, resulting in devastating consequences.

The Incident: A Teenager Loses His Life

In a shocking incident in the district of Saran, Bihar state, a 15-year-old boy named Krishna Kumar lost his life after undergoing a surgical procedure performed by a supposed doctor who relied on YouTube tutorials for guidance. The teenager was taken to the emergency room with symptoms of vomiting and severe stomach ache, and the alleged doctor, Ajit Kumar Puri, operated on him without the family’s permission.

The Deadly Consequences

During the procedure, the supposed doctor was seen repeatedly watching YouTube videos, and hours after the surgery, the teenager began to complain of severe abdominal pain. He eventually stopped breathing and was rushed to the hospital, where he was declared dead. The family accused the doctor of negligence and malpractice, and an investigation was launched into the incident.

The Risks of Self-Taught Expertise

This incident highlights the dangers of relying on online tutorials for medical procedures. While online resources can be useful for learning new skills, they are no substitute for proper medical training and expertise. Medical procedures require years of education, training, and experience to perform safely and effectively.

The Dark Side of Online Tutorials

The ease of access to online tutorials can create a false sense of confidence, leading individuals to attempt complex medical procedures without proper training. This can result in devastating consequences, including injury, disability, and even death.

The Importance of Proper Medical Training

Medical professionals undergo rigorous training and education to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform complex medical procedures. They also have the experience and expertise to handle unexpected complications that may arise during surgery.

The Role of Online Tutorials in Medical Education

While online tutorials can be a useful supplement to medical education, they should not be relied upon as the primary source of knowledge. Medical students and professionals should always seek guidance from experienced mentors and follow established protocols and guidelines when performing medical procedures.


The incident in India serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of relying on online tutorials for medical procedures. It highlights the importance of proper medical training, expertise, and experience in ensuring the safety and well-being of patients. While online resources can be useful, they should never be a substitute for proper medical education and training.

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SEO Keywords: online tutorials, medical procedures, self-taught expertise, medical training, expertise, experience, patient safety, medical education.



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